Posted 15 January - AM What's your exact problem? Posted 10 March - PM I have Downloaded London Mod and Hamshire mod for EM3 , i went to the mod installer and it sais that its corupted , then i try and instal it again and it sais i have the mod allready in the game but i dont? Posted 29 November - PM i have a different problem when i try installing la mod v2. Posted 26 March - PM I've followed all of the instructions for the mod installer patch described above, but it still does not work.
Attached Files em3-mi-error. Posted 19 April - PM I've followed all of the instructions for the mod installer patch described above, but it still does not work. I've never tried the fix on a bit system so I don't know if there are additional steps necessary Posted 14 July - PM Hi,I use windows 7 and em3 sixteen tons entartainment the game is runing very well but mod-installer gives that error;Can you help me.
Only the dead have seen the end of war Posted 14 July - PM Emergency 3 is not properly installed. Posted 14 July - PM okay I solved problem with yours posts.
Posted 29 August - PM What, exactly, did you do? Posted 14 January - AM What, exactly, did you do? Posted 11 August - PM I have the exact same issue.
Also having this issue. As shown below. Posted 03 May - PM I have the strategy first version, help? Back to General Help. Reply to quoted posts Clear. Need an account? Been playing this for well over a week now, its great You get to control a wide range of emergency vehicles, dealing with stuff like car crashes, fires, cleaning up after terrorist bombs, train wrecks etc There are 20 missions in the game and then you also have freeplay mode in which you are in charge of an entire city where disaster could strike at any moment and usually does!
The game has been out in germany now for quite some time. But hey a quick run through with babelfish should get you the gist on what each mod does.
I heard the LA mod should work ok, any ideas? Also i jumped into free mode and i dont seem to have any other options apart from getting in and out of a vehical. Last edited by PooBum ; 26 Sep, am. Last edited by JosPlays ; 26 Sep, am. Originally posted by JosPlays :. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 25 Sep, am. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts. All rights reserved.
I heard the LA mod should work ok, any ideas? Also i jumped into free mode and i dont seem to have any other options apart from getting in and out of a vehical. Originally posted by:I just bought the game and tried to install the LA mod but when i try install it says cant find the right location, it then carries on the installation but it doesnt seem to work, i tried to install it in the steam directory then mods file but dont seem to have the new units and map looks the same when i go to mods on the option screen it says theres a mod there but unkown author.
As you can see I don't have an author at all.