Could not load branches. Could not load tags. Latest commit. Git stats 13 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. I encountered a bug and need to fix my save. I don't care about achievements and so on. Zsrai Field Marshal Badges. Aug 14, 3. They are encrypted, so as far as I know you can't.
There may be someone in the modding forums that knows of a solution though. Tilarium Major Badges. Apr 26, That would defeat the purpose of ironman. Yes, I understand it's to fix a bug, but if it was possible to edit the save then what's to stop you from adjusting your rulers stats and traits? From altering moral of armies during battles or holdings during a siege?
Tilarium said:. Click to expand Monkbel said:. Nothing would stop me, and why would it be wrong? It's my save, I should be free to do what I want with it.
Because ironman mode is designed to not allow the player to cheat in any way, be it editing the save file, using the console or re-loading until you get the result you want. If you can edit the save then yes, it does defeat the purpose of having the ironman mode. And could you please maybe elaborate on the bit about hacks and proxy IPs? Lakortar View Profile View Posts. You only need an archiv manipulation software like 7zip and a Hexeditor. Open your save file with 7zip and edit the meta file.
There should be your country tag somewhere e. FRA if you're playing as france. Change that to your colony nations tag they're named C00 to C99, depending when they're formed. If you're done doing that start your game, load the save and change your capital.
After doing that edit your save again to change your tag back to your original one. This method won't prevent achievments, did that myself to prevent colonial nations to colonize outside their colonial area I wanted clean borders.
Don't use it for cheating though, would take away all the fun. Also save editing won't get you VAC banned if you want to make sure just close steam while editing your save. EU4 doesn't even has VAC enabled. Btw, if it isn't ok that I post this here, just delete this post :. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Global Achievements. Is it still possible to cheat?? I would really like to revert back a month since i forgot that the nobility was going to seize power Showing 1 - 15 of 16 comments.
Snizzlet View Profile View Posts. Sure, you just have to Teach me master.