Learn more. Very few Android projects are an island! The majority of Android projects have dependencies on a number of other components, including third party Android libraries. However, instead of compiling into an Android Package Kit APK that can run on an Android device, a library compiles into a code archive that you can use as a project dependency.
One of the best places to find Android libraries, is GitHub. These dependencies can either be located in a remote repository, such as Maven or JCenter, or they can be stored inside your project, as a local dependency — you just need to let Gradle know where it can find these dependencies.
Here, we can see that this project is distributed via JCenter. If you open your project-level build. Note, the project-level build. Since your project is already configured to check JCenter, the only thing we need to do is add our compile statement to the module-level build. Gradle will then query the JCenter server to check that the Styleabletoast library exists, and download all of its files.
If you use a custom path like I did, you have also to define the project directory for our library. A whole settings. Your library should be available for your project. Step 2: Select the desired library and the desired module. Then click finish. Android Studio will import the library into your project and will sync Gradle files.
To import the library using Gradle, you can have to add it to the dependencies section of your build. Then sync your Gradle files. Minimum required is yy. Skip to content. Change Language. Please be aware that this might heavily reduce the functionality and appearance of our site. Changes will take effect once you reload the page.
Leave the next page as default and click Next. In the next screen, leave the default activity name of MyActivity and click Finish. On the next screen, leave it all as default and click OK. The GitHub remote will be added to your Git repository. It will seem like nothing has happened, but trust me, the project files are added.
I hope you found this post helpful? Let me know in the comments below. Cheers, Mark. Thank you for sharing this, it really helped me! Thank you.. Glad you found it useful!
Thank you. Just what I needed. Excellent article — thank you very much! Happy you found it useful, thank you for reading! Thank you so much.. Having the same issue with push rejection and not sure how to proceed. Any suggestions? Thanks sir, Very helpful tutorial… Reply. Thanks again.
Why do you have green Windows? Thanks, good work Reply. Great job again and again now about to google on how to check out through git hub Reply. It was sooooo helpful. Thank you! Its really nice tutorial. It helped me a lot. Thanks for sharing. That was a perfect set of instructions and job done easy. Try and do pull first and then push? Thanks for the tutorial, really helped me. Hi Rajesh. Did you figure it out in the end? Hi I tried the steps you mentioned above and they were really helpful. Thanks Reply.
Let me know if this works for you or if you need more details. Hi Omar. Hi Mark, thanks for the nice tutorial. It makes my work more easy Reply. It was really helpful, thank you so much! Happy to be of help! It was really helpful,That was a perfect set of instructions and job done easy. Thank you Reply.
Thanks for the feedback. Push Rejected like quite few other people here. I had to rename branch from master to master2 and it worked Reply. Hi Patrik, happy that you found it useful! Thanks for reading. Made my life easier. Very good guide Reply. Thanks for sharing this information to all…… Reply. Thanks once again Reply. Hi Ben, thanks for the comment.
Can you try removing the trailing slash from the end? Latest commit. Git stats 41 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. Sep 18, Jul 29, Jul 10, Apr 13,