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How is your Internet holding up? The tester does indeed find an improvement in bandwidth using different DNS servers; this may or may not be the case for other people who try this.
It requires reconfiguring the internet connection mostly as Default or Automatic, but changing to Custom just for the DNS servers and entering your own ones manually. Google DNS 8. Bottom Line — Your download speeds may or may not improve by changing your servers. It depends on a lot of different factors; see the video above for a detailed test of all three servers. The other two delivered worse bandwidth. Every situation will be different.
If you are looking for an even more advanced way of finding the perfect exact pair of DNS servers for your location, then you may want to use the free DNS Benchmark tool , which will run a full test from your computer of all available DNS servers in your area and rank them according to the fastest and most reliable ones. You can then select the two top ranked ones and manually put them into your PS4 as we showed above.
To use this tool you need to visit the website, download the free application and then run the DNS test. Gamers based in the US can use the quick test; someone based in another part of the world may want to run the fuller test that takes around half an hour and tests DNS servers from all over the world to find the two best ones for your location.
In some cases using Custom DNS servers can give a noticeable enough improvement in bandwidth to make it worth changing them. If you really like the results you get from using a certain custom pair of DNS servers, then you can even put them into your router so that all the devices in your house can use them.
See here for an article how to do this for some popular routers. This is another very common reason why PS4 downloads can go slower than expected — there are simply a lot of people using the internet at the same time in the home and more generally , and this can increase network congestion and increase the time it takes for downloads to complete. This problem is worse on Wi-Fi, because it is more prone to congestion. A router can only handle traffic demands on Wi-Fi sequentially, in a queue based system, and not simultaneously.
More devices connecting equals more traffic demands, equals longer downloads, as the router can only do so much at once and has to keep everyone happy. However, there is a setting called Quality of Service or QoS, which you can try and use on your router to manage traffic and prioritize your PS4 on the home network.