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Clinical guideline febrile seizures diagnosis and treatment MX Jose Fernando Diez. Adriaan Van Schalkwyk. Rebecca Yatkowitz. Remember, you must actually download fillable pdfs and work on them locally for them to work reliably. Disappointingly, Fantasy Flight seems to have made some changes to their workflow on character sheets for Genesys so this sheet uses a singular background image rather than layered assets.
Likewise, your GM can always total of no more than six favors at any one time. These ties give those often very much up to interpretation. While most some extra money and stay in their good graces?
Sometimes ideals and avoid working directly against each other. In other cases, that allegiance may While individual managers, corporate branches, or even be more tenuous: your character may know a lot of people companies may compete with one another, at the end of the in a local street gang, but they might not officially be a day, their successes tend to be successes for the corporation gang member. They generally perform the same types of Whatever the case, there are no specific qualifiers or actions work , and their actions usually further that cor- requirements for being a part of a faction.
In corporate lab for a little bit of after-hours research. Failing to do these a small favor or regular favor; this must be completed tasks can result in your character being kicked out, fired, or by the end of the session. This is entirely at your GM's discre- The following pages cover some of the major factions tion, as it probably depends on what tasks your character in New Angeles.
Favors faction-specific favors listed in one of the faction entries. Belonging to a faction gives your characters the following benefits and responsibilities. Jinteki is an insular been a corporation struggling with its own self-image. Jinteki employees are expected to maintain ership the corporation has become more driven, more perfect self-control and complete courtesy in all of their dynamic, and some might say, more ruthless. In corporate headquarters from its NeoTokyo offices to the exchange, they can expect slow promotions in a seniori- Nihongai District of New Angeles.
The cor- than innovation. And as long as elaborate and well-established chain of command. Along with that comes plenty of official record keeping and approval When most New Angelinos think of Jinteki, they think of applications, which are no less difficult to navigate even clones. Every clone in New Angeles has been created by with AI assistance. Jinteki, and has been conditioned to be a loyal and enthusi- This is precisely what Chairman Hiro hopes to change.
So most peo- Jinteki is in the midst of a corporate reshuffling that is see- ple tend to associate the megacorporation with cloning and ing a lot of sub-departments and junior assistant executives forget about all of the other ways Jinteki impacts their lives. This leaves Jinteki employees split; decades, with cloned organs, tailored gene-therapies, surgi- the old guard bemoan the loss of tradition and the cavalier cal alternatives, and other innovations that can drastically firing of so many employees, while the often younger new improve human health and well being.
These technologies guard are enthusiastic to participate in a more meritocratic are available in many New Angeles hospitals, from the mas- business environment. Coinciden- most of its subsidiaries, especially the larger ones like Har- tally, most of those medical facilities are owned by financial mony MedTech, Morph, Synthetic Systems Research, and firms that happen to be controlled by Jinteki, to the point Industrial Genomics.
San Biotech Valley ethos that Jinteki executives grumble Another area that Jinteki has vast interests in is genetic is merely coddling ungrateful employees with undeserved modification, or g-modding.
G-modding is a huge busi- perks. However, to Jinteki, these companies are all infe- ness, with g-mods being used in economic sectors rang- rior lessers who need to remember their place. Formality and proper protocol Let slip some juicy rumors about corporate is highly prized, and ignorance on these matters is never Small Favors goings-on an acceptable excuse. Provide a custom clone A Jinteki employee strives to maintain proper decorum Grow and provide a cloned organ or limb for at all times, masking their true opinions about a represen- Big Favors medical purposes tative from another company or a contractor being hired Pass on any rumors concerning "Project Nisei," for a job behind a precise amount of small talk, pleasantly or Detective Caprice Nisei of the NAPD.
When meeting with a rep- resentative of Jinteki, the wise pay much more attention to red tape, and a few dead bodies. Nevertheless, if Jinteki what is not said than what is said. Doing con- tract work—especially illegal contract work—for Jinteki or its employees can be tricky, as the contractors are generally seen as expendable.
These first androids to business, and employees who want to survive the relent- completely redefined the labor market, and their success less corporate culture at HB are advised to do the same. HB is a very structured corporation, where there is a procedure and LIFE a process for anything you need to get done. Bioroids, like governments, where the most lucrative contracts are often clones, are programmed to be loyal to their corporation, tied up in the most regulations and red tape.
These days, cybernetics are a perfectly acceptable regional manufacturing juggernaut, the ethos and culture alternative to deal with any number of medical ailments— that helped form the company is still alive and well today. Many commercially-available and megacorporations. Each division focuses on and, unsurprisingly, arms manufacturing is still as profit- different products, from bioroids to brain-machine inter- able as ever.
Broken off from Haas Industrie before the and Director Haas. While the average citizen may not realize it, structure and CEO. An HB employee is likely to tell you goings-on exactly what their position is at the start of a meeting, and Small Favors Review a braintape in a corporate lab good luck getting them to budge!
Like- bioroid wise, if someone promises to deliver a good or provide a service to HB, they expect nothing less than the full deliv- Provide a bioroid ery of that good or service.
But even in those deals, they expect the criminals they work with to be reliable and hold up their end of any bargain they make. But once their work is done, employees are encouraged to go home, relax, and enjoy themselves—just as long as they show up exactly on time the next day.
On the other, said representative may not appreci- ate being bothered with work during their valuable free time. They think about the massive construc- tion projects that turned New Angeles into a forest of star- ultimately expendable public relations officers. The current spokesperson, Farid Ahmadi, has represented Weyland for eight months—far longer than most of his predecessors. Only those at the top, the Board of Directors New Angelino. The rest of the Consortium that.
Jack Weyland no longer runs the Weyland Consor- is broken up into the individual corporations the Consor- tium, and is now only tangentially linked to the company. However, their presence is probably the least visible. On the other hand, Titan Transnational functions as one The Weyland Consortium is no longer a corporation might expect a major international banking institution to concerned with producing anything.
Instead, it uses its operate. This could involve buying investment divisions tend to have their share of wild and a company, selling off its assets piecemeal, then discarding risky hedge fund managers and traders.
The bank gives the husk, or it could be a long-term purchase predicated on these hard-charging individuals free rein to succeed or fail. The New Angeles Space Eleva- compensates for the failures. Instead, their lucrative royalty agreement arms and prisec industries, and one of the best providers means the Beanstalk will simply provide trillions of credits of small-scale security in the business.
Argus focuses on a year, forever. This face. Jack Weyland is out as the head of the company he corporation is singularly focused on deep space travel and founded, and the megacorporation is now run by a shad- exploration, and its employees tend to share the same hard- owy board of multi-billionaire directors. Most of these charging enthusiasm and dedication to their work as their individuals have never been publicly identified, preferring CEO and leader.
Corporate deals and freelance gigs alike both legal and ille- gal tend to be worked through a series of cutouts and front companies, so that one might realize they were working indirectly for the Consortium months or years after the fact if they ever realize it at all. This ability to remove itself two or three degrees from anything unpleasant means that the Consortium can position itself to take advantage of all facets of a war or disas- ter.
Investigative reporters and public watch- dog groups have claimed that Consortium subsidiaries have sold arms to multiple sides in ongoing conflicts, or been hired to clean up environmental disasters that may have been created by other Consortium-owned assets. The Consortium or more Get a part-time job in a construction firm or aptly, the subsidiaries of the holding companies owned by Small Favors other far-removed subsidiary the Consortium work to structure these encounters so that Get bumped up the waiting list to get a ticket whether the job succeeds or fails, the Consortium benefits.
Provide contacts and a favorable reference to a This tends to lead to the one element that pervades most Regular prisec group or mercenary outfit Favors dealings with the Weyland Consortium or its many sub- Get information on cargo being carried by a sidiaries and affiliates—ruthlessness. Near-Earth Broadcast Network. The media conglomerate has been known by many names since its founding as a local news broadcaster in the bustling SanSan marketplace. Since NBN needs a constant stream of clever ideas to turn into then, the corp has expanded alongside humanity up the fresh content.
This means NBN employ- market diversification to appeal to the widest-possible ees are constantly racing one another to be in the lead, and customer base, NBN takes this practice to its logical and plenty of them are more than happy to stab their colleagues extreme conclusion.
Most of what the corporation makes in the back by stealing ideas and claiming credit if it means is content, not products, and NBN prides itself on being they can survive in the spotlight for a few more months. Part of that tailoring involves releasing there are a lot of big egos at play at the NBN offices as well. Nowhere is this more subsidiaries, even if the corporate logo never appears on evident than in SYNC, however.
SYNC staff tend to take their publications. Harpsicord Studios makes some of the latory or law enforcement agencies. But whether quick-witted entertainment mogul. This also means many are prone to snap judgments, and. At the very least, anyone who takes a job with NBN should expect that the representative they deal with has set things up to their own advantage. Here, reporters and editors tend to be a bit more analytical and a lot more cynical , and they tend to go into deals trying to figure out what the other side is hoping to get.
These people assume everyone lies, and trying to separate the truth from fiction is often their overriding goal. Of course, those interacting with SYNC can expect a very different experience. They also tend to be insular to a point of making Jinteki employees look friendly and welcoming by com- parison. Now the organization specializes in high-tech and white-collar crime; headhunting the best runners and using them to organized criminal groups are happy to fill that niche.
The yakuza cloak themselves in an air of mystery and rit- They own politicians, police, and corporate executives. While this might seem a bit ridiculous on the projection of force.
Anyone who has dealings with to outsiders, all of the theater helps forge their members into an orgcrime outfit knows the score: to cross it is to die. In New crime invests heavily in legitimate business.
Formed from the strongest elements of the smuggling operations. Donations to local charities and Italian, Russian, and Balkan organizations, the Tri-Maf as religious organizations are also common, as any savvy it is sometimes known in New Angeles tends to work with operator knows that a community that values them will those who live off the grid, acting as the fixer for those who shield them from investigation.
As the worlds have moved onto the Network, so have The Chinese triads who came together under 14K cor- organized criminal groups. Several midsize information nered the New Angeles market on opiate trafficking and security firms, like Allegiance and Dallanor Ltd, have counterfeiting. Plenty of orgcrime outfits also imate lobbying firms often promoting Chinese business sponsor the runners and securities crimes that these firms interests as well as their own.
In New Angeles, 14K often protect against. They run all manner of narcotics and engage in the who write their own code and bend the Net to their uses. Los Scorpiones tend to have a The services of these runners are in high demand, from lot of dealings with local street gangs, especially when run- businesses and investors looking for an edge on the market ning their drug distribution and production outfits.
They to people who need to vanish without a trace. However, the friendly act is just that—an act. Like the Tri-Maf, 14K representa- tives tend to present themselves as reasonable businesspeople—right up until someone gets in their way or betrays them.
They also are heavily involved in the world of corpora- tions and politics, to the point of having controlling interests in sev- eral corporations and PR firms. Some- times the corporate representative you deal with may also be a high-ranking member of 14K. Finally, Los Scorpiones tend to act as grue- some and bloodthirsty as their reputations would suggest. Los Scorpiones representatives tend to see nothing wrong with betraying the people they hire, Interactions with orgcrime outfits tend to depend on the so only the most desperate or dangerous take their jobs.
This holds especially true for talented Small Favors Gain access to an illegal establishment runners—the yakuza is always on the lookout for top talent Verbally threaten someone to help continue its trade in information theft. Once someone has been hired by the yakuza, they expect Rough someone up complete loyalty to the job, and accept nothing but success. Any attempt to back out of the deal—or worse, Provide a single enforcer as a bodyguard double-cross them—guarantees a heinous death.
The Tri-Maf also provides services like credit laundering, identity wipes,. Many of them were born on the streets and have no identification number or birth certificate. Others are immigrants, for- New Angeles. Most are small-time affairs with less than a dozen members, but a few have become large, influential, or dangerous enough to be noticed. One of many street gangs made up of people of Ecua- doran lineage, Los Pistoleros is notorious for actively mer residents of villages in the Ecuadoran Andes who recruiting outside of New Angeles.
A steady supply of have come seeking a better life, or people from across the faces and fingerprints that have never appeared on record Earth drawn to the promise of the Beanstalk. Still others allows Los Pistoleros to execute mugging sprees upcity were born to life above plaza level but found themselves, with relatively little consequence. The gang maintains by chance or choice, stripped of their identities and living most of its territory in the Base de Cayambe and Chakana in the undercity.
Belonging carry out its crimes. It means access to better zhinniki, draws a following of dedicated killers.
They are shelter and more food. And when the NAPD comes knock- ruthless in maintaining the boundaries of their territory ing, the gang gives you a chance to fight back, or at least against other gangs and the NAPD. Since emerging victo- rious from that original fight, they have sought to establish Life at ground level is hard and mean.
In the undercity, the themselves legitimately, lobbying for support from upcity housing tends to be disused old constructions amid the and acting as guides and bodyguards for aid workers. What stays below the plaza Cayambe and even runs a storefront in the Mercado Baja.
Trash con- its members have connections among the staff of ware- stantly drifts down as well, forming dense dunes and drifts house storage companies that deal in materials waiting of garbage and detritus. More than one beanpod has arrived at the Challenger Planetoid or Luna full of crushed beer cans and The summers are blistering hot; no breeze can make it rocks, thanks to a Vendetta Blood heist. Even the rain is artificial, just showers of runoff and sewage that trickle down from above. But the undercity denizens also trade supplies month as members are killed or arrested, new recruits are and favors to get by.
An addict may help as a lookout on a job or sabotage seccams in exchange for their Some street gangs are simply small groups of crimi- next fix, or an apartment owner may let gang members use nals who have banded together for mutual protection some rooms in exchange for protection. Their aggressive actions are something of a front, however.
Small Favors Verbally threaten someone This approach is likely to get you killed when dealing Provide information about the portion of the with some of the larger and more powerful street gangs. They may even limit their criminal activity to nonvi- money.
However, anyone who seems like they could bring trouble down on the block is going to be quickly driven out or killed. Some gangs take the idea of being protectors a step further, and occupy a blurry space between criminals and revolutionaries. The Green and Black are one of many gangs, and while they usually still break the law, they cloak their activities in a veneer of legitimacy.
Its officers come from a broad spectrum of backgrounds, and they hold equally diverse views on the best methods for policing the megalop- up information about police culture might help a person to navigate a situation should they find themself in trouble. Sometimes, dropping the right name can mean the differ- ence between a warning and an arrest.
In the most extreme examples, an ally within the NAPD might even be willing to olis. Still, they all have the same mission: to protect and serve bend or break the rules to make a problem go away.
Opinions detectives pursuing investigations into Ecuador. Sometimes vary drastically, although certain trends are clear. When it comes to the pri- worthy, honorable protectors, while many in the undercity vate sector, obstacles are even more common. Powerful corp execu- enter private property without probable cause, a warrant, or an tives might view the NAPD as a useful tool or a nuisance, as invitation.
Often, NAPD officers find themselves turned away the situation warrants. With an organization as expansive from arcologies or corporate offices by prisec, with assurances as the NAPD, many such opinions are colored by individ- of a false alarm.
Even the arcologies of risties and the well- ual interactions and experiences—so all of these views, and to-do have their own security forces, many of which cooperate more, are accurate. Regardless, for most people, interacting with an on-duty On many high-profile cases, corporation security and NAPD officer means something has gone wrong. Thanks lawyers stymie investigative efforts at every turn.
Although to seccams and police hoppers, NAPD patrol officers rarely NAPD leadership denies that corp interference is a concern, set foot on the streets without cause. Many investiga- coincidental encounters with uniformed officers are rare. Sometimes this is only after a protracted ened victims of crime. The NAPD is organized into twelve dis- scraper, the precinct is small for an NAPD office, and many trict offices, one for each district of New Angeles, includ- of its officers see it as understaffed and underfunded, con- ing Heinlein.
Below each deputy com- neighborhoods of the district, and its officers also tend missioner are multiple captains, each overseeing a bureau toward the rough side.
Many are quick to assume the worst or division within their particular precinct. Several lieu- when responding to a call. The th has something of a tenants perform more specialized oversight, and sergeants reputation among the locals, and the NAPD, for corrup- command individual squads.
Numerous other ranks and tion. Accusations of bribery, evidence tampering, and other titles exist within the labyrinthine organization of the abuses of power are not uncommon, although few ever NAPD, with varying responsibilities at the department become formal complaints and even fewer lead to disci- level or within individual divisions, bureaus, and precincts.
Various legal challenges might stretch on for The NAPD employs hundreds of thousands of sworn years, although criminal charges for NAPD personnel are officers and civilian personnel doing everything from rare. Of course, this corruption is a boon for some citizens. Of For those who know the right people—or drop the right course, every one of these NAPD members interacts with cash—certain officers are willing to make a charge disap- individuals outside the department in both professional and pear, or even create a problem for someone else.
At a basic level, picking th commonly work a full shift, even days, without ever. Officers Fix a parking ticket Small Favors Ignore a minor infraction such as a traffic commonly receive their shift briefing by virt, allowing them violation or drug possession to participate whether at their desk or in their hopper.
Forms and reports are managed digitally, and Manuel can accept Stay out of a particular area during a particular most reports verbally. Often, an officer only needs to visit the Regular time Favors Provide information from law-enforcement station in person after making an arrest. Even then, nonvio- databases lent suspects may be transported by automated hopper.
Things are different for officers in other bureaus and Actively take part in a criminal enterprise Big Favors Lose or "discover" an important piece of divisions. They often make use of specialized equipment evidence to a major case and facilities, and the station has an administrative staff who work from the office. These officers and staff are in the precinct station daily, or close to it. Its members collaborate with Homicide, Forensics, and even the Cyber Bureau.
The Narcotics Unit makes considerable use of Hachi-Inu clones: highly intel- ligent dogs marked by their blue coloration and handlike paws. Among their many genet- ically engineered talents, Hachi-Inus are superior to any natural canine when it comes to detecting drugs and other illicit materials.
Although narcotics like Blue Tears and Slam remain a popular pastime among ris- ties, officers of the th are more likely to arrest and charge the poor and disenfrancistos. The Vice Squad is unlikely to investigate narcotics sales in arcologies unless they involve violent incidents or orgcrime.
As important as flicts of jurisdiction are not uncommon, and savvy individ- the space elevator is, plenty of traffic, both goods and peo- uals can take advantage of the nebulous legal areas arising ple, come into New Angeles by traditional means. For those looking further ahead, the uncertainty surrounding the fate of New Angeles when the lease expires The Special Economic Zone of Ecuadorian New Los at the end of the century is reason to keep relations positive. Angeles is as complex a political entity as it is unusual.
An unincorporated U. Angeles—for whatever reason—to effectively disappear into Ecuador. For those facing legal trouble, the complex web New Angeles has its own laws and regulations on every- of jurisdiction between the U. Extradition, eteering, violent crime, and more. Thanks to the Treaty though far from unheard of, is not guaranteed, and the pro- of Heinlein, the U. The porous border and expanding sub- over the territory is limited in a number of ways, leav- urbs of New Angeles also lead to no shortage of disputes.
Of course, power in New Angeles is always in a delicate balance. The nically illegal, border security has proven harder and harder megacorps, too, have no shortage of influence over poli- to enforce as New Angeles has overflowed its boundaries, tics in New Angeles.
City employees, with the exception of those at the highest levels, have a relatively small area of influence. Conversely, was is a subject of some debate among risties and intellectu- a friend with responsibilities for only a few neighborhoods als, but it remains an undeniable world power and home of within a district could save a person from all sorts of trou- the influential megacities of SanSan, ChiLo, and BosWash. Although the U. Put in a good word to the right official to help citizenship.
In some ways, thanks to the independence expedite a civil procedure secured for New Angeles due to the economic importance Provide surveillance footage of an event of the space elevator, the U.
None- Regular Favors Waive civil charges against a person theless, a variety of U. Even on matters for which the U. So far, the evidence is insufficient for either a congres- ernment has little direct authority, there are a number of sional or criminal investigation. While the Space Elevator Authority controls the day- to-day administration of the Beanstalk, and the New Angeles government has a great deal of autonomy for a U.
Currently in her fifth term in office, Senator Withers is an experienced and— some would say—cynical politician. The megacorp employs hundreds of thousands of both sup- port personnel and combatants, and it can field armies So generally the public distrusts and fears the more mil- itant employees of prisec outfits, while remaining friendly and familiar with the prisec security officers they work with daily.
What they tend to forget, of course, is that both are just two different parts of the same corporations. Unfortunately, the resulting quality of these books is not as high. It's the problem of making a copy of a copy. We mark clearly which print titles come from scanned image books so that you can make an informed purchase decision about the quality of what you will receive.
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