Instead, Android Studio handles the packaging and installation of the app for you. You can use the forward command to set up arbitrary port forwarding, which forwards requests on a specific host port to a different port on a device.
The following example sets up forwarding of host port to device port Use the pull and push commands to copy files to and from an device. Unlike the install command, which only copies an APK file to a specific location, the pull and push commands let you copy arbitrary directories and files to any location in a device.
In some cases, you might need to terminate the adb server process and then restart it to resolve the problem e. To stop the adb server, use the adb kill-server command. You can then restart the server by issuing any other adb command. You can issue adb commands from a command line on your development machine or from a script.
The usage is:. If there's only one emulator running or only one device connected, the adb command is sent to that device by default.
You can use the shell command to issue device commands through adb, or to start an interactive shell. To issue a single command use the shell command like this:. To start an interactive shell on a device use the shell command like this:.
Note: With Android Platform-Tools 23 and higher, adb handles arguments the same way that the ssh 1 command does. But, this change means that the interpretation of any command that contains shell metacharacters has also changed.
For example, the adb shell setprop foo 'a b' command is now an error because the single quotes ' are swallowed by the local shell, and the device sees adb shell setprop foo a b. To make the command work, quote twice, once for the local shell and once for the remote shell, the same as you do with ssh 1. For example, adb shell setprop foo "'a b'". Android provides most of the usual Unix command-line tools.
For a list of available tools, use the following command:. Help is available for most of the commands via the --help argument. Many of the shell commands are provided by toybox. General help applicable to all toybox commands is available via toybox --help. See also Logcat Command-Line Tool which is useful for monitoring the system log. Within an adb shell, you can issue commands with the activity manager am tool to perform various system actions, such as start an activity, force-stop a process, broadcast an intent, modify the device screen properties, and more.
While in a shell, the syntax is:. You can also issue an activity manager command directly from adb without entering a remote shell. See the Specification for intent arguments.
Options are: -D : Enable debugging. Prior to each repeat, the top activity will be finished. This command kills only processes that are safe to kill and that will not impact the user experience. Use with [-e perf true] to generate raw output for performance measurements. Required for test runners. Options are: -w : Wait for debugger when app starts. This command is helpful for testing your app across different screen sizes by mimicking a small screen resolution using a device with a large screen, and vice versa.
Example: am display-size x display-density dpi Override device display density. This command is helpful for testing your app across different screen densities on high-density screen environment using a low density screen, and vice versa. Example: am display-density to-uri intent Print the given intent specification as a URI.
Specification for intent arguments For activity manager commands that take an intent argument, you can specify the intent with the following options:. Within an adb shell, you can issue commands with the package manager pm tool to perform actions and queries on app packages installed on the device. You can also issue a package manager command directly from adb without entering a remote shell. Options: -f : See their associated file. Tools Help. Build System. Peformance Tools.
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Android Studio Android Studio provides the fastest tools for building apps on every type of Android device. Download Not Available Your current device is not supported. Download options Release notes. More about the layout editor. More about the APK Analyzer. More about the emulator. More about the editor. More about the build tools. More about the profilers. Chrome OS For information on recommended devices and specifications, as well as Android Emulator support, visit chromeos.
Thank you for downloading Android Studio! Download Android Studio And most people transfer their mobile data to their PC as its the only logical step. But the question arises how do you transfer your data from mobile phones to PCs? Technically, it is used to connect an android device with a computer using a USB cable or using wireless connections like Bluetooth.
It also helps in executing commands on your mobile phone through your computers and allows you to transfer data from Android phones to your PC. Its main advantage is it enables to access phone contents like copy files from computer to phones or from phone to computer, install and uninstall any app and more, directly by using a computer without any actual interaction with the phone.
In order to use ADB command line, you need to first install it on your computer. To install ADB in your computers follow the below steps:. Visit the website and navigate to Command line tools only. Click on sdk-tools-windows to download SDK tools for Windows. The download will begin shortly. When the download completes, unzip the downloaded zip file. The ADB files under the zip are portable so you can extract them wherever you like. Open the unzipped folder. Sort output of adb devices by connection type and device serial.
Increase the socket listen backlog to allow for more simulataneous adb commands. Improve error output for adb connect. Clean up help output.
Add product. Avoid bricking new devices when using a too-old version of fastboot by allowing factory image packages to require support for specific partitions. In this release, the old non-libusb implementation remains the default. Introduction 1. Accepting this License Agreement 2. If you do not have the requisite authority, you may not accept the License Agreement or use the SDK on behalf of your employer or other entity.
SDK License from Google 3. You are of course free to develop applications for other platforms, including non-compatible implementations of Android, provided that this SDK is not used for that purpose. Google reserves all rights not expressly granted to you. Except to the extent required by applicable third party licenses, you may not copy except for backup purposes , modify, adapt, redistribute, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble, or create derivative works of the SDK or any part of the SDK.
You agree that Google may stop permanently or temporarily providing the SDK or any features within the SDK to you or to users generally at Google's sole discretion, without prior notice to you. Use of the SDK by You 4. If the users provide you with user names, passwords, or other login information or personal information, you must make the users aware that the information will be available to your application, and you must provide legally adequate privacy notice and protection for those users.