When I picked it up the next day it was completely limp. I made a fresh cut at the bottom of the stem and placed it in a glass of high concentrate colloidal silver. Each day it got better. On the third day, the stem had become firm again, as if it had just been cut. Not a single petal was lost.
The second flower that was cut had been placed immediately in ordinary water. Many of its petals had already fallen. Though the flower was in water from the start, it was already dying. It's as if there is something in silver that is tied to the very core of the life process itself. Robert 0. Becker, MD, agrees. Writing about his experience with older patients, Dr. Becker wrote, Silver did more than kill disease causing organisms.
It promoted major growth of bone and accelerated the healing of injured tissues by over 50 percent. He also discovered that silver "profoundly stimulates healing in skin and other soft tissues in a way unlike any known natural process Becker discovered that the silver was promoting a new kind of cell growth which looks like the cells of children! Revised November Page 35 of 86 Alfred Searle, founder of the pharmaceutical conglomerate, wrote in that "applying colloidal silver to human subjects has been done in a large number of cases with astonishingly successful results.
For internal administration, orally or hypodermically, it has the advantage of being rapidly fatal to parasites without toxic action on its host. It is quite stable. It protects rabbits from ten times the lethal dose of tetanus or diphtheria toxin. He said the infection went away almost immediately. In the course of our conversation he mentioned in passing that colloidal silver also got rid of the plaque on his teeth. I had been wondering what happened to the plaque on my own teeth but had not put the two together.
The power of silver still reigns over the world in many modern- day -applications: Physicians use silver compounds in 70 percent of all the burn centers in the United States. Japanese firms even remove cyanide and nitric oxide from the air with silver. So, how do you frighten people away from the safest and most powerful medicine on earth? You tell them that the bogeyman will get them.
If they're too sophisticated for that, tell them they will get a strange, archaic disease like argyria. Actually, there is no record of anyone ever contracting argyria from colloidal silver made by the electrolytic method. Argyria did not seem to bother the royal, "blue blood" families of Europe, who stayed healthy through the plagues of the Middle Ages by ingesting large amounts of silver.
Surviving With Colloidal Silver Were Ito end up in the midst of a calamity, I would need only water to have one of the most powerful medical resources in the world at my disposal.
Technically, colloidal silver can be made in a variety of common liquids, including beer and soup, but I'm not recommending anyone do this in the normal course of events. In a remarkable clinical trial with 14 elderly patients, Dr. Robert O. Becker inserted a pair of silver electrode wires directly into each wound, using the body's own juices for the liquid solution and applying current from the external ends.
The voltage used for colloidal silver production is too low to cause sensation. With this technique, Dr. Becker was able to heal infections inside broken bones—one of the worst kinds of infections to control— as well as heal actual bone fractures and breaks which had previously failed to heal. In others, he sewed the wound up around the protrud-ing electrode. Once the wound had healed, "The implanted silver wire was easily withdrawn from the wound manually without the need for surgery or anesthesia.
Becker said, "All of the organisms that we tested were sensitive to the electrically generated silver ion, including some that were resistant to all known antibiotics.
The coins would have to be scoured until they were clean and shiny before using. This is mentioned purely as an intellectual consideration and is not a recommendation that anyone undertake any such action under normal conditions. Silver electrode wire is much easier to use.
What Doesn't Colloidal Silver Do? It doesn't interact with any other medications or upset the stomach, and, in fact, is a digestive aid. It does not sting in the eyes. Medical journal reports and documented studies spanning the past hundred years indicate no known side effects from oral or I.
Colloidal silver has been used with good results under the most demanding health care circumstances. References: 1. This creates two problems: 1 When ingesting colloidal silver, less silver will enler the body because it's attached to the sides of the container. Plastic containers build up an eleclrical charge which can cause plating out, therefore, either non- reactive plastic containers, such as hydrogen peroxide bottles or tinled glass bottles, should be used for storage.
Henry Crooks found that silver in the colloidal state is highly germicidal, quite harmless to humans and absolutely nontoxic. Ralher than in a chemical compound, silver in the colloidal state may be applied in a much more concentrated form with correspondingly better results.
Ameriflax brand "minerALL 72" colloidal minerals product contains seven major and 65 trace minerals including arsenic, nickel, lead and iodine. After extensive studies, Sir Malcolm Morris concluded, "Colloidal silver is free from the drawbacks of other preparations of silver, viz. The threat of another 'final solution' was, in fact, increasing every year.
As American intelligence reports now confirm, the Soviet Union had taken the Nazi human experiments and developed new forms of toxic warfare. By the mid's the Soviets had produced enough Nazi nerve gas to poison the population of the world several times over. Huge stockpiles of anthrax, plague, and 'designer bacteria' were in place in each Soviet city. In the event of war, barriers of poison ground would isolate Soviet cities from invaders.
More frightening, the Soviets had developed new offensive systems of germ warfare for genocide. One of the best examples of this is Movidyn, a substance that the Soviets discovered in their satellite state of Czechoslovakia way back in the 's. Movidyn is a form of colloidal silver, odorless, tasteless, and cheaper to produce than chlorine disinfectants. One part per billion of powdered Movidyn in water has a germicidal effect.
In a study of infected wells, it completely destroyed typhus, malaria, cholera, and amoebic dysentery. Drinking containers washed in Movidyn retained their germ—fighting abilities for several weeks. To the astonishment of the Soviet military, Movidyn also disinfected every germ warfare bacteria in the Soviet arsenal, even their newest designer poisons.
In other words, Movidyn was too good. The Czech factory was disassembled and carted back to the Soviet Union. To this day, the Movidyn formula seems to have been suppressed from the world, but then so have reports of germ warfare experiments that went wrong.
Every country, including the United States, has a few skeletons in its closet when it comes to research on weapons of genocide. Martin's Press, Fifth Ave. ISBN —X. Consult with your licensed health practitioner. In keeping with do-it-yourself inexpensive hypothetical approaches to self-help, the simplest and most rapid means for obtaining a capacitor-discharge theoretical magnetic pulse lymph and tissue pathogen neutralizer would be to find and modify a used functioning portable battery and ac powered electronic flash strobe light for cameras.
These are acquired at swap meets, yard sales, pawn shops, or in junk boxes at used camera stores. This compact, light weight, inexpensive, rapid recharging flash is only Carry four AA batteries with you so you can test flash units before purchasing. Almost any brand or model of comparable output power 17 to 35 watt-seconds should work. Preferably select one with Vac as well as battery operating dc capability.
First wind the applicator coil. Junk VHS videocassette reels are cheap, plentiful and adequate for this application. Remove 5 screws from shell, remove reels and discard shell. Be SURE alternative spools if used are non-conductive plastic or system will not work.
Avoid shorter length VHS tape reels which may have center hubs larger than 1" dia. These "stiffeners" must sandwich reel's flanges tightly so they won't warp or split as wire pressure builds up while winding progresses. Remove bolt and stiffeners when finished. Specifications: Completely fill tape spool with 14 or 16 enameled copper magnet wire to turns wound into the 1" dia.
Pull inside end of magnet wire through hub and stiffener and to outside. Remove bolt, stiffeners, and finished coil. Now solder ends of 4 ft. A 14 finished coil weighs -1 lb.
Strobe modification consists simply of wiring the finished applicator coil with 4 ft. Be extremely cautious when working with case open because a strobe's capacitor can hold a residual high-voltage charge for a long time even when "off. Remember to remove this shunt later.
To install coil, unsolder wither wire from flash tube electrodes and connect one lead wire from coil to that side of tube. Connect the other lead from coil to the wire you just removed from tube. Insulate connections with tape. This places your coil in series with the flash tube and enables the lamp to act as an ionized gas relay or "thyratron" that dumps most of capacitor's stored energy through coil when fired. Lamp will still flash but less brightly.
Cover flash window with black paper. Melt wire-slot with soldering iron. Replace case. You're done! Is it working properly? A 1" dia. Let the flash unit charge for about ten seconds or until the strobe's "ready light" comes on then Revised November Page 41 of 86 push flash button and see how the washer is "kicked" by Eddy current repulsion.
A 35 watt—second strobe repels this washer over a foot vertically. Think of your pulsed coil as the "primary" of a transformer and anything conductive nearby living tissue included as the "secondary" in which current is induced when cut by coil's time—varying magnetic lines of flux.
Pulsers are also functionally similar to the "Diapulse0" miracle—working healing modality when coil is applied over liver and other organs. Regular permanent magnets no matter how powerful in Gauss absolutely will not work for this application regardless of claims since only a time varying field induces a significant current in tissue.
Magnetic fields and therefore induced currents penetrate all body cells, bones and tissues in proximity to coil effective approx. This may account for the impossibility of curing many known chronic infections via pharmaceuticals, antibiotics, or any presently known conventional treatments other than electrotherapy. Use pulser on body sites daily. This pulser is safe to use anywhere on the head and body except with cardiac pacemaker users.
See page 43 for lymph locations. Zap sites at —10 second intervals for —20 minutes daily. To use press fully insulated coil flat against body over lymph glands and other selected locations such as shown on page Let strobe build up to full charge about 4 to 10 seconds between pulses and flash while pressing coil over each selected site.
Subjects will feel no physical sensations except for light "thumps" during this phase of electrification.
Exposure levels are considered safe because intensity of this magnetic pulser is much lower than Magnetic Nuclear Resonance Imaging in routine use of tens of thousands of patients. But should subject feel "headachy", nauseous, sluggish, or display flu—like symptoms after exposures with either of these two devices, reduce number of pulses or duration of blood clearing process and drink ozonated water.
If immune system is very badly damaged, you may need to repeat all routines after several months to insure neutralization. When using, keep coil several f eet away f rom credit cards, watches, magnetic tape, computers, f loppy disks, homeopathic remedies, etc.
As an unanticipated serendipity, pulsers are reported to erase deeply rooted lymph and tissue pathology and possibly even classical "miasmas" as well as many other microbes, fungi, bacteria, parasites and viruses.
Flash should preferably be used with AC power to save battery costs since you'll only get about 40 full pulses per new set of alkaline batteries. For sanitary purposes, enclose coil in plastic zip—lock discardable sandwich bag. When treating numerous subjects if there's no AC adapter it is economical to utilize a small rechargeable lead—acid "motorcycle" battery. I recommend the manufacturer's pulser that is far superior to making one with a photo flash and it measures g, V; How much should this cost?
Spools of 14 magnet wire retail for 9. A 12 ft. VHS spools — In 10 lb. Polarity: Either side of the coil—North or South Pole— will create the necessary microcurrents of electricity in tissue. For prolonged use, it is possible that it is better to use the North — or South—seeking side as this pole is known to have a balancing effect. The South Pole of a magnet is known to have a stimulating effect.
Described here is a superior design producing f aster, more concentrated 0 3 than other available home units. It is a very portable three-way, stand-alone system. You can choose to utilize either internal battery power, or car lighter powered input. It can be put together by anyone for a fraction of the cost of top-of-the-line ozonizers.
A second cheaper but slower do-it-yourself design using AC power only is also shown here. It uses inexpensive parts for the budget-minded but still works superbly.
Ionic silver colloids also greatly assist this "rejuvenation" process by restoring free electrons. But hot arcing produces unwanted byproducts using air; pure oxygen does not. So to be safe, start with bottled oxygen and pure water only if making 03 intended for intermuscular injection, insufflation, direct blood infusions, or with heparin for auto-dialysis bubbling blood in a vessel for reinjection or "autohemotherapy".
The colder and purer your water and the deeper the container for greater pressure plus the smaller the volume of H 2 0 being bubbled, the most ozone dissolves faster and the longer it lasts. Ideal bubblers are —3"dia. Teflon or Polypropylene tubes with airstone at very bottom. Tall, thin plastic bottles work almost as well but their greater content takes a little longer for saturation.
Nonreactive Pyrex containers are better. Drink immediately since 0 3 without stabilizers even in ice water has a half-life of about twenty minutes so retains full potency for only a short time. Benefits start in minutes and are far superior to many other expensive products claimed to provide "bound" oxygen chlorites; CIO 2 or proprietary "Vitamin 0" stabilized oxygen boosters. Ozone cannot be stored which is why everyone needs his own generator to make 0 3 immediately before using for the best possible results.
Never directly breathe ozone or ozonized air as it damages oxidizes lung tissue even in small quantities. Nellcor Puritan Bennett, Inc.
Strictly Fish, Harbor Blvd. Caution: Do not directly breathe in ozonated gas. The chemical activation that gives it power to cleanse is too strong for lung tissue and can easily cause damage. Connect together in this order: 1 1 2. You may need a plastic, leather, or 1 Amp short fuses; female spade.
It also sells for much less than the parts 1 German Sander brand model fish tank above. The 1 25 ft. Revision July 6, Beck Disclosed here is a revolutionary do—it—yourself, safe, natural, inexpensive protocol based on blood electrification put forth to researchers as a possible solution to infectious diseases.
It costs practically nothing. It is offered to humanity as information only; empowerment for everyone who wishes to be healthy again. Four separate discoveries are combined in this new "cocktail" paradigm. If you do it yourself you have nothing to buy except parts and batteries. Most people have unconscious death—wishes manifested as disbelief aversion, resistance and "defeat the unorthodox healer.
What are the four easy protocols? Blood Electrification: In the laboratory, microcurrents are known to eliminate all viruses, parasites, fungi, bacteria and pathogens in blood. Disclosed by many revolutionary patents and research over past years, back to these breakthroughs were lost or suppressed.
Blood electrification takes 2 hours daily for a minimum of four to twelve weeks. This quickens disease elimina- tion, restores the immune system and supports detoxification. Permanent magnets, no matter how strong, will not nor cannot scavenge pathogens with induced back—emf currents.
You must have a sharp time—varying magnetic impulse. This "second immune system" is synergistic with steps 1, 2, and 4. Drinking Ozonized Water: Provides rapid, safe, totally natural cell oxygenation without free radical damage. A low-cost, 0 3 generator is fully described. These four do-it-yourself tools are fully disclosed with detailed illustrated instructions for use. Utilized together and for two hours a day for at least four to twelve weeks, they eliminate all infectious and "incurable" diseases.
Your only expense is then for replacement batteries. Some persons may need extra rest, liquids, trace minerals plus vitamins B and C during recovery. Have these four proven cures been known previously? Apparently, but not in combination. Related discoveries have been reported in medical journals and patents for over years. Most were lost, ignored, disbelieved or suppressed by doctors and pharmaceutical cartels.
US patents on related inventions establish public domain by prior state-of—the—art many are pre Such miracle "cures" have been independently rediscovered many times and proven effective. Now all four combined therapies are presented for researchers taking responsibility for their own health. Why hasn't research revealed this before now? When actualized, these data could interrupt HMO profits; disrupt medical—pharmaceuticals cartels, abort biological warfare plagues; eliminate most drugs; wipe out hospital and health care capital investments; minimize insurance machinations; dramatically abate sickness and suffering; plus imperil social security futures with bankruptcy.
These are not politically correct. This technology might permit ethical health practitioners to keep their Hippocratic oaths by giving back the patient's sovereignty instead of serving the AMA, FDA, and drug cartels for profit.
He was a giant among men—for his intellect but more importantly for his generous heart. He developed what came to be known as The Beck Protocol and gave it to the world so those who were suffering would be able to find relief. After retiring from a career as a leading physicist, he spent his own money to make it known that microcurrents of electricity are a simple and inexpensive tool to help us restore health.
Beck, B. Now I have no skirts without embarrassment! I can do as much as I like. I advise anyone trying this with Crohns to magnetic pulse J. Beck Protocol Clears Viral Condition Seven years ago I contracted a form of HPV human I also take vitamins, enteric coated oil of oregano, and papilloma virus , which resulted in a severe breakout enteric coated peppermint oil to help sooth and kill throughout my genital area and upper legs. A when my health had stabilized. I now never returned.
It required massive amounts of vitamins and proper diet. Returned to My Energetic Self The good news is that the scar tissue in the intestines breaks down over time and the intestines heal so no After doing the Beck Protocol for about a year, I was surgery is required. I think those 4 items blood and better. What got me to where I am today, at the heart of and was told to report immediately for chemotherapy everything I was doing was the Beck Protocol.
Intuition cautioned me that this was not the way to go. Upon arriving home, I cancelled K. Meanwhile, I continued care of me. I was in a wheelchair most of the time. I now feel healthy and well.
I have evidence that the CA cancer marker has Then I had 7 mercury amalgams removed from my dropped from , a medically unacceptable level while mouth and started using the magnetic pulser.
I feel like I have come alive. Consistent Use Makes a Difference K. I have been able to Magnetic Pulsing Restores Balance document that positive progress is being made when I use My experience with inner-ear vertigo periodically over blood electriication consistently and the reverse happens the years was debilitating to say the least. I suffered when I am neglectful.
It has been so encouraging when I with severe dizziness followed by nausea. These acute get the test back to see my viral load has dropped. Many times when I have just inished using the blood This sometimes lasted for weeks. A few When I started using the magnetic pulser I experienced times when I had neglected using if for longer periods not only soothing warm comfort to the ears, but total of time my lymph node swelled to the size of a walnut.
I am very grateful to have found these within a week! I ordered one This technology has been a life and mind saver! After for a friend, but then tried it myself for the arthritis in years and I mean yyyyyyears, of chasing a ghost skin my knees and elbows. Within three days I noticed such situation, I have inally had lasting results. Thousands of a difference. Before you could literally hear my knees dollars of blood tests, skin biopsies, sacks full of samples make a sound because it is like bone touching bone, but or RX skin creams, shots, steroid pills, etc.
You name it; after three days, there was no noise whatsoever. This skin awesome. I continue problem. My gums had receded due to poor care in the to use the units each day. When I heard this news, all I could think of was D.
B, Kentucky, USA that it was going to cost me a lot of money. It was going to take a whole lot of time and involve quite a bit of pain.
I asked that he was facing before going on a trip. His story made the doctor if he had ever heard of colloidal silver and he me think that maybe this unit would do me some good had. Although he did not have any experience with it, he too. Well, he brought over the magnetic pulser. I began using I brought him a bottle and suggested he try it for a it about a week after my dental appointment, when I had few days before he did any surgery.
He reported quite a little bit of tenderness and pain. Only a tiny speck of infection moving it around on the outside of my mouth from remained, which eventually went away as well.
Thank different positions for 3 to 4 clicks each location. The you for making it possible for people to make their own pain disappeared. I had an infrared homeopathy, told me about colloidal silver. Immediately after, I used the to be very effective for many badly infected wounds. I magnetic pulser over the eye for 10 minutes. Doctors were After 10 days I noticed that the tumor was starting to impressed with what they saw and let me have a free shrink.
It took approximately 4 months of using the hand. Apart from the sinusitis I was suffering from extreme I was diagnosed with a cataract in my left eye about 5 or tiredness, mental fog, dizziness, nausea, poor memory 6 years ago. It was the shape of a drumstick and covered and concentration I felt as if I had been drugged , muscle quite a bit of my left eye.
Well, about 2 years ago, I began and joint pains, and a horrible numb burning and tingling putting colloidal silver drops in my eyes every morning sensation down my arms and legs. Recently, I went to a new eye doctor to have my eyes checked. He said my eyes were in very When I started drinking ozonated water I felt better good health. The difference was quite dramatic. I asked him about cataracts.
He thought that the cataract was just starting. What I disappeared. I these symptoms return, so I am quite certain that drinking attribute this to the daily use of colloidal silver eye drops! A most remarkable case from retaining water and poor circulation. The dog picnic cooler with slightly warm water and put ozonator had a very bad eye infection and it had turned white airstone in the bottom.
The healing process speeded up considerably and within a week or two, the wounds had Here is a follow-up from my last testimonial over one healed up nicely with no infection and the scabbing was year ago. I am now 70 years old, going strong and coming off. Ever since using the blood electriication, mainly for making D. I take 3-ounces of colloidal silver daily. My I am a 63 year old who in the spring of was spirit and energy levels are high. I suffered from rashes, great depression, some colloidal silver.
My dog fatigue and headaches. I was a basket case for a long My energy dropped to the point where I could only force while. Then I got angry and did some research on my myself to push the lawnmower for 10 or 15 minutes and own for a cure. I have little faith in doctors anymore! Severe itching and night sweats ppm daily for 4 months now, plus about 8 large glasses were the symptoms that led to my original diagnosis two of reverse osmosis water daily.
These are the results to years earlier. I was quite worried when I had my regular 3 date: month CT Scan. My depression has vanished, my head is clear. The CT Scan showed some tumors in my chest had 2. My fatigue has vanished, no more anxiety attacks. Disease was back. My rapid heart beat is a thing of the past, no infections. Colloidal Silver. Within one week the itching stopped and 5. My indigestion is gone, my appetite is too good now. I also felt a little stronger. Two weeks later I had a Bone Marrow biopsy and this 7.
No more headaches for 3 months. A Gallium Scan was also done and this was negative for cancer too. I then had And, you may not want to print this, I deposited strange surgery—they cut between my ribs just above my heart little Everything knows what else in the bathroom.
That went on for about came back negative, much to their surprise. After watching me go from having to stop and rest on I will go for another blood test next year sometime, out the stairs 5 months ago, to running up them 2 at a time of curiosity, but I am in no hurry. Why go when feeling and doing 10 km runs on the weekend, a lot of the guys as good as I do.
I can document these health problems of I work with have invested in a Silver Pulser just to clean the past. I am still feeling ine! One morning while doing sit ups, I felt pain on the back Take care of yourselves too. I pulled off a blood—gorged tic that had C.
Lymes Disease initial symptom. I have detoxiied and Everyday there was less pain and more mobility. The last exercised for 20 years so I was conident my immune areas of pain were the hands and feet.
I began using natural 2 months for total healing. I have been Lymes free for 4 antibiotics and anti—oxidants. The supplements did not months now, no recurring symptoms. People that have it stop the intensity of pain and growth of the bullseye. I tell them about silver. The library was the next stop. I learned that antibiotics D. The bacteria, however, can return to the The Bob Beck Protocol Relieves Asthma and bloodstream, proliferate and the disease is back.
Once in Severe Allergies the tissue cells, antibiotics are ineffective. I knew it was too late for antibiotics at this point anyway. I developed asthma at a young age. I grew up on a farm and there was a lot of dirt and dust and I had problems My energy was gone.
I was allergic to all dust, animals, and feathers. All my life the worst time of the year was the fall. My Fasting would surely stop the challenge I faced. Seven family took me to many different doctors and I tried days of no solid food whatsoever and only green drinks.
Three weeks inhalers, pills — and I got tired of depending on medicine after discovering the bite, my knees, hip and back had because they are chemicals and they always have side developed arthritis to the point where getting out of effects. In the fall I had to use my inhaler every day and bed and dressed took 15 minutes. Everyday the bacteria sometimes three times a day. Sometimes I would have was in different places: hands, shoulder blades, wrists to leave if I were visiting my family on the farm because and elbows, spine and ankles—they went everywhere.
Nothing would work. My 90—year old friend with me just in case of an emergency. I decided I would walking with a cane was waiting for me to keep up with try a more natural or herbal way. I had been looking for him. Every movement was painful. My hands and ingers the answer for a long time and I was frustrated. I ate only sprouted greens and sprouted grains—no fruit or carrots so as not Then a friend told me about a company and introduced to provide sugar to feed bacteria.
I prayed God to take me to the blood electriier that has electrodes that go on away all the good things I have and just give me back my your wrist and also the magnetic pulser. I began using health. Ozone is also known for stopping pathogens. I the blood electriication for about three hours a day and tried IV injections of ozone for one week.
I the symptoms. Later I started drinking ozonated water as I I thought I was a gonner. Finally I called the Hippocrates wanted to keep my health strong.
Then after three or four Institute in Florida. They faxed me back within two months I noticed that my life started improving. I had used it others have with this information. I was shocked. It felt good to breathe those who are diagnosed as terminally ill.
They advised freely again compared to before. The day it came I began making my own colloidal silver. Now I can go into a home under the tongue for one minute. My asthma cleared up I went to sleep. When I woke up, I jumped out of bed and I had stayed on the program faithfully.
It was a dream. When I did wake up, I could P. That dream Fatigue was a vision of the future. One morning in January, I woke up and played out that dream in real life. It took Twelve years ago, I came down with chronic fatigue three days for the silver to begin working. The ifth syndrome. Within a few days, I was so weak I leukemia when he was just over 2 years old. A good program of nutrition, exercise and spinal taps every week and shots in his legs 3 times a emotional healing over the next two years brought me week.
I would, however, get sick in periods of stress and could no longer do extensive physical activity Stephen was almost 3 years old when we started him or prolonged mental activity.
Every other day, faithfully, we had our little one hooked up to those electrodes. We were stress sent my health spiraling downwards. I became also making Colloidal Silver for him. He drank about 8 environmentally and chemically sensitive, allergic to ounces a day. We started seeing changes right away. I also developed ibromyalgia At the time Stephen was diagnosed, there were 19 other and could barely get out of a car.
I inally had to leave my children that were diagnosed with him. Out of those 19, job as a college art history teacher. I then embarked on a there are only 3 children alive today and Stephen is one renewed health program and began to see results slowly. The other 2 surviving children were also on a Yoga, meditation, nutritional supplements, a wheat—free, nutritional program.
Eventually I was left with a state of precarious health. I felt great when I rested and Genital Herpes Alleviated kept to a gentle routine but would rapidly develop mental Twenty-four years ago I was diagnosed with HSV—2 confusion, fatigue and swollen glands as soon as I got herpes.
I could work for 2 to 3 hours a day and exercise the genital area, buttocks and thighs. I was experiencing for 30 to 45 minutes at the most.
I have also struggled outbreaks twice a month or so. I was able to alleviate the for years with periodontitis despite careful brushing and severity of the outbreak by breaking the blisters open lossing. In August I started using the Beck protocol—blood Nineteen years ago I began taking an oral prescription electriication, magnetic pulsing, ionic colloidal silver medication called zoforex. This did help with my and ozonated water.
By the second day I was out condition, however the side effect of headaches was running—actually sprinting at top speed with my dog most unpleasant.
The longer I was on the medication, until my quadriceps ached. My body felt so alive and the more I needed to take to achieve the same results. I strong I wanted to keep running. This good energy has was taking up to 8 or 10 pills a day and was grateful that continued over a period of months. At my last check—up I had medical insurance to cover the major cost of this my gums were healthier than ever. I no longer get mental prescription. For me, the light bulb went on ingers that is considered hereditary in men.
I am I began applying blood electriication on a daily basis for very happy. This is a real sharing from the heart. I did not have any outbreaks for 6 M. Remissions were rare. I more and more pills to keep the Herpes from appearing.
At this time, the lesions were the blood electriication unit and continued right up until all over my lower legs and on my hands and arms. I used last fall when I adjusted to a maintenance schedule of 4 herbal detoxing formulas with some success and I began days on and 3 days off. I have not had an outbreak since Dr.
The LP went I resumed pulsing and have also saved considerable into remission again. The lesions went away with this money. Three weeks into Dr. Next I applied a probe to each side of the abdomen. It was like being pricked with a hundred About 30 years ago, I had a very severe, sudden onset needles.
The third time I zapped the sinus areas where I of rheumatoid arthritis RA which resulted in the had mucous retention cyst of over 25 years. Ten minutes crippling of my hands and feet.
Over the next few years later my nose was leaking like a faucet. Both of these I found the information on Robert Beck and the are related to rheumatic conditions. After oral and IV instructions to make the instruments, but I chose to antibiotic therapy all the symptoms seemed resolved but purchase the micropulsing unit and magnetic pulser. I the lab tests still showed active disease until 20 years used the magnetic pulser for 5 pulses on each sinus area later when the tests showed normal.
The following year, and over the lymph system. That morning I woke with four biopsies indicated lymphomatoid papulosis LP. This led to confusion and the eventual abandonment of the study as the PCR test results were all over the place. Over time, Bob Beck saw the need to reach the lymphatic system with electrification. He realized the lymph system is more extensive than the blood vessels and can harbor and hide viral infections and so re-infect the blood.
To electrify lymph and tissue, Beck devised a magnetic pulse generator, later called the magnetic pulser, to induce the necessary microcurrents of electricity in specific sites. Beck's research also uncovered much historical evidence about the effectiveness of ionic colloidal silver as a natural antibiotic. Again he applied his inventive genius and developed a simple device to allow individuals in their homes to make their own ionic colloidal silver. I put it on an old nine-volt transistor radio battery and a couple of silver wires.
Dunk those wires in water …". Bob's quote - Well, God has left a back door [for health] and that back door seems to be electricity. Beck was giving talks and workshops at health shows. He sold a handout titled, "Take Back Your Power" at these workshops for a nominal fee. The handout included schematics so those interested could build their own devices. At a seminar in Seattle in early , husband and wife team Russ Torlage and Lesley Punt heard Bob Beck speak and purchased a handout.
Lesley was looking for a way to overcome Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Russ applied his design talents to Bob's material. To make the story short, the blood and tissue electrification units were the tools that gave Lesley back her life. When Bob Beck examined the units Russ had designed, he immediately gave the units his endorsement. He had only endorsed one other company to this point, as he wanted to be sure the public would get good value for their money.
As a result of discussions with Ed McCabe, Bob realized that drinking freshly ozonated water would be a great way to flush toxins from the body. He started ozonating his drinking water with a device he built using parts from a pet supply store for ozonating fish tanks.
You can buy just a colloidal silver maker , or get blood electrification and a colloidal silver maker in one unit with the. Jared K: my friend who 'gave up' on the Beck Protocol and was going to go on the drugs had gotten himself re-tested, one year after testing positive for HIV More.
Pulsed Magnetic Fields i. Magnetic Pulsar. Understanding Pulsed Magnetic Field Therapy. The purpose of this treatment is to disable microbes that are not floating around in the bloodstream, but are "hiding" in root canals, the lymph system, the stomach area, etc. This is a very important part of the protocol for wellness, High-intensity Pulsed Magnetic Fields: The third step is externally applied magnetic resonance of lymph, spleen, kidney and liver, which helps to neutralize germinating, latent alien invaders and thus blocks re infection.
This quickens disease elimination, restores the immune system and supports detoxification. Detoxification is essential because you are throwing off millions of dead and dying bugs. Permanent magnets, no matter how strong, will not nor cannot scavenge pathogens with electromotive force. It is important to be able to deal with rapid detoxification without producing tremendous discomfort.
One of the worst things you can go through is detoxification if you are the slightest bit sick. If you go too fast, and don't detoxify, you have done more harm than good. Health Effects of Electro-Magnetic Fields. Dr Beck After considerable experimentation on himself, friends, acquaintances and a few individuals diagnosed with AIDS, all reaped some health benefit. Soon, however, he realized that the blood might be cleared of viruses or other pathogens but these same pathogens could be temporarily hiding in the lymph system.
To create the necessary microcurrents in lymph and tissue to neutralize viruses and other pathogens, he developed a magnetic pulse generator.
Pulsed magnetic fields create microcurrents in lymph and other tissue. This speeds up the elimination of disease, restores the immune system, and supports detoxification. Permanent magnets, no matter how strong they are, will not produce the same results as the pulsed fields of Bob Beck's device, which produces induced back-emf currents. More energy From a physics perspective, the energy foundations of life is based on electromagnetism.
Better sleep Use the Magnetic Pulsar as an alternative treatment for sleep. Pain relief Magnetic therapy provides a natural and alternative pain treatment. Sports performance Many elite athletes around the world are successfully using pulsed electromagnetic fields as an alternative therapy to peak out their sports performance. Detoxification Use the Magnetic Pulsars' pulsed magnetic fields assist in the removal of waste and toxins in the body. Healthy aging Electromagnetic therapy is a holistic approach for anti-aging.
Anti-inflammatory Complementary way to relieve pain and inflammation and promote healing. The Bob Beck Protocol.
Ozonated Water : The fourth step is drinking Ozonated water for rapid, safe, totally natural cell oxygenation without free radical damage. Totally natural cell oxygenation without free radical damage. It has been shown in scientific experiments that there is an inverse relationship between the amount of oxygen in the blood and the ability of cancer to spread. In other words, the more oxygen, the less your cancer is able to spread. Ozone is a superb way to get oxygen into your body. However, the amount of ozone in ozonated water is probably not enough to seriously stop the spread of cancer.
The outline can be used to review the program before conducting. His sore was diagnosed as a "stasis ulcer. Excellent for diapers and diaper rash. Cover flash window with black paper. However, the amount of ozone in ozonated water is probably not enough to seriously stop the spread of cancer. Note: Always drink or use ozonated water within 20 Note: Nitrogen by-products, oxides and acids produced minutes after making. I began using health. You may notice little or no sensation at so slightly over to adjacent lesh.
Do NOT use on pregnant women, while driving or using hazardous machinery. You're done. Results are not typical. It's here NOW. Series vs. The Protocol involves 4 steps that includes the use of the blood purifier, and the drinking ozonated O3 wat. Spiral-wrap with strong thread starting from wire side to end!