For a large aircraft, it handles beautifully, but care must be taken to not fall outside the flight envelope or you will pay the consequences. Overall, the aircraft model displays a very accurate rendition of the flight characteristics and performance of the real world aircraft. Documentation The ' Captain' has a flight manual, provided in three parts, available in Adobe Acrobat format.
Each of these are available for separate download. Whilst the documentation is detailed, I was disappointed by the total lack of procedural checklists. It seems incongruous to model the aircraft systems to such a high degree of operating accuracy and then not provide the procedural checklists for the flight simmer to follow.
This has been a strength of Captain Sim's product documentation in the past and this fact only adds to the level of disappointment. Admittedly though, there is a Captain Sim channel on YouTube which has an engine start guide video for the ' Captain'. A further lack of any performance tables for the aircraft is also disappointing, leaving the flight simmer to estimate these through trial and error.
Overall, simply, this just does not 'cut it'. With the level of accuracy and detail in the modelling, it is a fantastic classic commercial airliner and a pleasure to fly. There was no need to make any adjustments to these settings and FSX continued to perform smoothly, as it would with any default aircraft.
This review has involved over 20 hours of specific flight testing flying hours and it is evident Captain Sim have continued to live up to their reputation with the ' Captain'. Rich in detail and accuracy, it provides the flight simmer the experience of flying and managing a classic wide body jet of the s. Whilst the lack of procedural checklists is disappointing, the ' Captain' and 'F' Freighter Expansion Model display an excellent balance of quality and detail at an exceptional price.
If you are a fan of commercial airliners and, in particular, classic commercial airliners of the s, you will thoroughly enjoy the Captain Sim ' Captain' and 'F' Freighter Expansion Model.
A Classic Verdict The ' Captain' and 'F' Freighter Expansion Model are solid products which display a high quality and attention to detail and represent exceptional overall value for money. Lockheed L 'TriStar'. A Classic. ACE Livery Management. Nose Detail. Tail Detail. Captain's View.
Flight Engineer Station Upper Panel. Flight Engineer Station Lower Panel. First Officer's View. Overhead Panel. Pedestal Console. Air Canada.
Air Transat. I suppose Originally Posted by windqaz. I searched and didn't found. Maybe you mean the avsim library? Never was an announcement this addon became free. I agree with men in black, probably you downloaded some other freeware L I'm not sure how to go back and get the file name but here is a copyy of the first of my 6 liveries I downloaded. If you guys can tell me how and where to find the exact file name, I'll post it.
Textures only. Painted by Corina Meyer. The L models designed by Erick Cantu are unparalleled - far better than the payware available for FS All of the different base models and their respective paint liveries are freely available for download from the HJG website. Captain Sim is proud to introduce a new generation of the award-winning Boeing The is the Captain family key product base Registered users can also use our File Leecher to download files directly Upload a Thing!
Customize a Thing. Download All Files. Select a Collection. Save to Collection. It doesn't need to be of the expensive variety. About 1. In any case, we give you the opportunity to try it out, so you will be in a better position to assess the package against your hardware configuration.
Just make sure you run Windows Update, download and install the free English language pack. Because it is not humanely possible to test this application on every Windows variant available when you include Greek, Japanese, Arabic, Hebrew, Chinese, Korean, etc..