The download progress is shown at the bottom of the SDK Manager window. Do not exit the SDK Manager or it will cancel the download. If you're new to Android development, learn the basics of Android apps by following the guide to Building Your First App. If you're ready to start building apps for Android wearables, see the guide to Building Apps for Android Wear. Except as noted, this content is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.
For details and restrictions, see the Content License. You have successfully signed up for the latest Android developer news and tips. Results Loading Revision 1 August Initial release for Android 6. Android 5. Revision 1 March Initial release for Android 5. Revision 2 December Updated layouts in the Support Library and fixed various issues. Revision 1 October Initial release for Android 5.
Android 4. Revision 2 October Updated the rendering library. Revision 1 June Initial release for Android Wear. Revision 2 December Maintenance release. Revision 1 October Initial release. Revision 2 August Maintenance update. Revision 1 July Initial release. Revision 2 February Maintenance update. Dependencies: SDK Tools r21 or higher is required.
Revision 1 November Initial release. Dependencies: SDK Tools r20 or higher is required. Revision 3 October Maintenance update. Revision 2 July Maintenance update. Revision 1 June Initial release. So, it would be great if you include the reason and technicality behind this too with your answer.
It's a design library for Android apps development and as Dominique pointed have a look at that page and copy paste that compile 'com. Your project will sync in a few moments and the design library will be downloaded. Now you can use this library and there won't be any errors. No, in Java "package" is not a "library" or a "piece of software" like it is in some other languages. Package is what classes belong to - you might think of packages as directories containing Java files it is a simplification, but it works.
In Java libraries are packaged into usually "jars" those jars usually contain classes divided into packages , so what you need to download is "jar". So, first thing you need to check is: what library contains the package, and configure your IDE accordingly. The package in question belongs, I think to the so called android support library, which you can install using the SDK tool. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group.
Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. In which case it's Android Studio Setup that's doing it wrong, but accuses other programs of doing so.
It may also mean that the Android Studio Setup did not have administrator privileges when it tried to rename or move folders in AppData. Therefore, right clicking on the Android Studio Setup EXE file and choosing to run as administrator might help avoid this error.
It might have tried overstepping itself and doing it in the wrong order, i. After completing the setup, with or without errors, you can run the SDK Manager to see if "android" component was installed. Check the "Show Package Details" box and make sure all the API level 23 packages that are selected have the status "installed".
You can uninstall, install, reinstall and update packages this way. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Collectives on Stack Overflow. Learn more. Android Studio Setup: android not installed Ask Question. Asked 5 years, 8 months ago. Active 4 years, 8 months ago.