Thinkware Dash Cam mobile apps allow you to access your Thinkware Dash Cam and adjust your dash cam settings or preferences through your smartphone. Now you can download all the video files you have recorded with your Thinkware Dash Cam to your smartphone right away in your car, without having to take the SD card out or inserting it in your computer.
Videos taking up space in your memory card? Select your dash cam model and download the firmware file. Double click to open the ZIP file and copy all files. You can now remove the SD card from your PC. Now that the firmware file is on the SD card, we need to upload this to your dash cam. Insert the SD card into your dash cam and power it on. Ensure your dash cam stays powered on for the duration of the update. Continuous Recording will now start. Updating the Firmware on Mac. Remove the SD card from your dash cam.
Locate the full-sized SD card adapter. Insert the SD card into the adapter, and then into your Mac. Once the download is complete, open the ZIP file to unzip it. Download the latest Speed Cam Data file. Then, unzip the downloaded Speed Cam Data file. The file name should resemble smartguidepoint.
Mac Viewer1. Windows PC Viewer 1. User Manual User Manual. F User Manual-English 1. F User Manual-French 1. Free up space by removing videos that you do not need by using your smartphone. Do it anytime, anywhere. View live or playback recorded dash cam videos on your smartphone through Thinkware Dashcam mobile apps.