Fallout New Vegas is a game that was clearly designed for consoles. The text is too big and seems to be designed for players who are sitting across the room from their TVs. This UI overhaul fixes that, by doing many essential adjustments that PC players need, including smaller font sizes, larger item selection areas, improved conversation menus, etc.
These menus and adjustments are made with the desktop player in mind, built for PC screen resolutions. However, if you do not like this mod, do not worry. You can always uninstall the mod and restore the original textures if that is your preference. The casinos in Fallout New Vegas are uncharacteristically dead.
The game builds New Vegas up into some kind of paradise full of life and energy, but when you get there the casinos are empty and devoid of life. Pretty disappointing. This mod fixes that problem and brings life back to the casinos. It makes the heart of the Mojave wasteland actually feel like a bustling center. You will find a lot of NPCs, a lot of them look the same, but in the grand scheme of things the goal is to liven up the casinos, and that is what this mod accomplishes.
This mod can be very performance intensive. Since it is spawning in a lot of NPCs, it tends to use a lot of resources. If you have a decent PC, that should not be an issue, and this mod will simply just make your game better.
Download Populated Casinos. It can get old after a couple of times. The Alternative Start mod gives you the chance to get a fresh start in the Mojave desert, placing you in a randomized location and setting you free into the world. Other features include: fixing starting quests, over 95 starting locations across the world, faction specific starting points and everything is fully randomized.
There are also different forms of history for you, and all these factors will affect what kind of weapons, gear, and skills you may have. What this means for the player is, that no matter what, every game you start will have a different gear and item set, meaning a fresh new experience every time. The core of the mod focuses on tweaking and improving the shooter elements of the game, adding bullet time, a grenade hotkey, variable zooms for scopes, and more.
Another part of the mod lets you surgically upgrade your character, adding improvements to speed, durability, strength, vision, and more. The third module adds a number of rebalancing changes that aim to make the combat more frantic and the survival more challenging, whilst a fourth module adds new weapons and gear, including stuff brought in from other popular modders. Download Project Mojave. Instead of the drab and colorless browns and greys, this mod brings the wasteland to life with a vibrant and varied color scheme.
Download Oxide ENB. This mod improves a number of visuals elements in New Vegas, from animations to particle effects from guns and other weapons. Critical hits, explosions, impact wounds, and more are re-done to look much more impressive and violent. Download Essential Visual Enhancements. Download Monster Mod. So why not make it a bit more appealing to look at? This mod adds colored icons, lets you change the resolution of the Pipboy, add custom icons, and more.
Download Coloured Map and Icons. Throwing weapons in New Vegas are undeniably pretty lame. Weak, awkward, underwhelming and just not very viable.
This mod improves throwing weapons by letting you pick them up after throwing them, craft spears and knives to throw, turn your weapons into projectiles, and even throw random debris at your enemies if you get desperate enough.
Download Improved Throwing. Project Nevada is a mod that seeks to make your Fallout New Vegas experience more interesting and unique, as well as more difficult and challenging — all while remaining fun and interactive. This is a very large project that has a lot of different features including Dynamic crosshair, bullet time, sprint, grenade hotkey, slower backpedaling, immersive health visuals, immersive primary needs, explosive entry, control panel, inventory sorter, chargeable weapons and more.
Being one of the largest and most detailed projects for Fallout New Vegas, it completely changes the game and makes it a lot better than before.
It may take some time to try out all the new features, but I assure you it is worth it. Try it out today! Download Project Nevada. The New Vegas Script Extender is a resource for the modding community that increases the capabilities of different resources and scripts. It does all this without changing any of the actual executable files that are in the disk, meaning no permanent side effects. It is a necessary and essential tool for any and all modders.
One of the strangest things about the character design in Fallout: New Vegas is the neck seam. And while we wish there was a mod that magically erased this line to show a flawless neck and body joined together, but this mod does something much simpler. This mod adds six necklaces and a pair of dog tags that are wearable by the characters and perfectly conceals the annoying seam.
The necklaces look good as well, so you can forget about the line and enjoy a much more immersive and bejewelled gaming experience. If we all have to wear masks due to the COVID global pandemic, you can be sure this post apocalyptic world requires it as well. This mod provides hoods and masks for your characters to wear. It looks really cool, especially if you get the matching hood and mask. With limited options for players to make their character customized to minute details, this mod is a welcome addition.
Download Wasteland Hoods. Clint Eastwood fans — if you dream about strutting around in the entire costume of Man with No Name in the world of Fallout: New Vegas, dream no further. This mod gives you exactly that. You can find all the clothing in Abandoned Shack next to the Yangtze Memorial the giant cross visible from Goodsprings.
Now you can be a real cigar-smoking, eye squinting, gunslinger in New Vegas. This mod is an overhaul for female character clothing to make it much better fitting and flattering for the new character design. It takes all the original outfits and revamps them for the new requirements of the Type 3 body type.
The clothing also generally looks better, with better colors, textures and lighting. Download Type3M Clothing. I'm not really sure what to say other than just stick to Nexus Mods and safely check comments and things like that before downloading. I personally have never used Nexus Mod Manager and have manually downloaded and installed hundreds of mods for Skyim and New Vegas and have never had any problems.
Your HDD crapping out after downloading a few mods just seems unlucky more than the mods directly breaking your hardware. Originally posted by baddude :. It really does just seem unlucky.
L4D2, Killing Floor etc What are your current computer specs? Originally posted by R5CYA :. Last edited by LCBlome99 ; 16 Apr, pm. I just turned 19 on the 13th and Im the go to person for my whole family when it comes to computers. Originally posted by Eric :. I'd say the cost depends on the part. Anyone who tells you otherwise is retarded, because they're terrible with file handling.
But I have no script extender steam loader with an. Last edited by LCBlome99 ; 17 Apr, am. Originally posted by Dosbilliam Big Serious Egun :. Originally posted by LCBlome99 :. Parrhesiastes View Profile View Posts.
Originally posted by Voriox :. Per page: 15 30 Date Posted: 16 Apr, pm. Posts: Discussions Rules and Guidelines. Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic harassment, fighting, or rude posts.