Ashley Ward. Delloise Crumbi. A short summary of this paper. Berk This Development Through the Lifespan 7th Edition book is not really ordinary book, you have it then the world is in your hands. The benefit you get by reading this book is actually information inside this reserve incredible fresh, you will get information which is getting deeper an individual read a lot of information you will get.
Besides highlighting the effects of immediate settings, such as family, neighborhood, and school, I make a concerted effort to underscore the influence of larger social structures— societal values, laws, and government policies and programs— on lifelong well-being.
An understanding of the joint contributions of biology and environment to development. Numerous examples of how biological dispositions can be maintained as well as transformed by social contexts are presented throughout the book. A sense of the interdependency of all domains of development— physical, cognitive, emotional, and social. Every chapter emphasizes an integrated approach to human development.
I show how physical, cognitive, emotional, and social development are interwoven. Within the text narrative, and in the Ask Yourself questions at the end of major sections, students are referred to other sections of the book to deepen their grasp of relationships among various aspects of change. An appreciation of the interrelatedness of theory, research, and applications.
Throughout this book, I emphasize that theories of human development and the research stimulated by them provide the foundation for sound, effective practices with children, adolescents, and adults. The link among theory, research, and applications is reinforced by an organizational format in which theory and research are presented first, followed by practical implications.
In addition, a current focus in the field—harnessing knowledge of human development to shape social policies that support human needs throughout the lifespan—is reflected in every chapter. The text addresses the current condition of children, adolescents, and adults in the United States and elsewhere in the world and shows how theory and research have combined with public interest to spark successful interventions. Many important applied topics are considered, such as family planning, infant mortality, parental employment and child care, adolescent pregnancy and parenthood, domestic violence, exercise and adult health, religiosity and well-being, lifelong learning, grandparents rearing grandchildren, caring for aging adults with dementia, adjustment to retirement, successful aging, and palliative care for the dying.
Do you like this book? Please share with your friends, let's read it!! Search Ebook here:. Book Preface My decision to write Development Through the Lifespan was inspired by a wealth of professional and personal experiences.
This item is printed on demand. The content emphasizes normal aspects as well as the unique problems and health promotion needs of each age and stage of development. It features a strong health promotion theme structured around Healthy People objectives. Lifespan coverage from prenatal development to death helps students integrate concepts related to normal changes in each stage of the life cycle.
Coverage of current research and trends in health care provide readers with the most up-to-date, accurate information. Health promotion and disease prevention, including Healthy People objectives, are highlighted throughout the book. Cultural content is highlighted throughout the book and in new Chapter 3: Cultural Considerations in Health Care to encourage students to consider cultural implications at every stage of development.
Separate chapter on advanced old age and geriatrics Chapter 14 discuss the theories, physiological changes, and psychological aspects of aging; health promotion and maintenance; and the role of health care providers in caring for the geriatric patient.
All of this helps students understand how to maintain quality of life and promote health in advanced old age. Teaching techniques for every developmental stage are part of a consistent chapter format and provide age-appropriate patient education tips. Consistent chapter organization for each stage of growth and development makes information easy to access.
Critical Thinking scenarios and questions appear at the end of each chapter to help students consider all variables when planning care across the lifespan. Did you find this document useful? Is this content inappropriate? Report this Document. Flag for inappropriate content.
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