Chess tactics pdf free download

Even if Thi s example is typical. Black i s willing to give will easily be able to capture Black's last up his queen for a rook a sacrifice of four pawn with his king. Black, however, found points in order to destroy the blockade and the subtle There are three ways ensure promoti on, which nets him eight White 's bishop can cover b1 in two moves or points within a couple of moves - a quick fewer jLf7-a2, jLg6 and. After sly king move covers all three.

Promotion 40 Ji'xd3! White resigned since 4 1 'li'xd3 e This is the point; after 3 l. Here Black pushed home his attack with a simple but effective combination: JtdS lt:lxd6 and apparently lost.

White is a rook down, but using his two passed pawns he can even win. What should he How did White win material? How should Black respond? What should Blacl 7 10 B w What shou ld Black play here, How did White exploit his advance' White 's queen is pinned. What on earth can Black do? Was this idea correct? In most cases, this interruption occurs during an exchange of pieces.

He had seen the sequence Wd8 We7 1 9. There is no defence against these twin threats so B lack resigned. B lack chooses the right moment to break off the 'natural ' sequence of captures and plays an unexpected move winning a piece. The ease with which such moves can be overlooked is clear from the fact that this trap has claimed several victims, starting with Perli s White against Tartakower in 1 It is easy to i magine the thoughts running through a b c d e g h his head : "After 1 0.

Therefore he must w play 1 0. If then 1 1. Thus Black must play l l. How How did White reply? Does Black have to recapture? If White plays 41 l:. This attacks forks the king and the d 1 -rook, so Black is the e8-rook and covers the fork on e2 with forced to play 4 White replied 42 gain of tempo.

Now Black is left with his. However, i n the diagram position There are two specific tactical ideas which Black missed a chance to force a draw. He by their nature can only lead to a draw, and should have played 3 1. This means that the same as the difference between a win and 32 lt:Jxf3 is forced, but after The first of these ideas is perpetual check.

This involves one player giving a series of checks from which there is no escape; there w is no mate, but equally there is no way out and sooner or later the position is repeated, resulting in a draw. B Gasiorowski - Gawronski Darm 1 White is a piece down for one pawn, and his threats on the kingside appear to have come to nothing.

Indeed, if Black were now given a free tempo to play. Therefore Whhe indeed However, the continuation He only has is wrong as White has only a rook for the one more pawn move, Note that Black had to play.

Sokolov Rimavska Sobota 1 Linares 1 This position i s winning for White, but it If Black loses his c-pawn for nothing, then requires a little care. One method is I 1 4 'iii? However, White actually played 1 14 h7? However, Black spotted 1 If the rook i s taken then it is stalemate, so White has to move his king.

There is no shelter from the checks, and if the king goes to the seventh rank, then Black plays. Defensive Tactics Exercises Solutions start on page 1 4 1.

Black pl ayed a natural but bad move that allowed a draw. How should Black Can White, who i s a piece down, trap repl y? Does Black bishop. Should Black play How did he draw?

White is a piece down but 22 'fixc7 tt:lb5 favours Black. What should White play? Could What should he have played instead? Black have played better? This naturally gives ri se to the idea focus exclusively on situations in which the of a deflection , and indeed White played 27 winning idea depends on two or more tactical ii. Here the with many chess terms, there is no generally skewer element of the combi nation was vital, accepted definition of ' combination' and you because if Black 's d8-rook had been , say, on should be aware that other authors may use e8 then ii.

How does one spot the winning idea? It is true that Black would be able to meet this by. The fact that White's queen must defend material ; Black therefore resigned. In this the rook on a7 suggests a possible deflection, example a chain of logic led White to find but the obvious. Despite this, ing, discovered check and pin. When it did arise, White overlooked it. M i lov Biel 1 99 7 Here Black has just played 4 Black faced loss of his queen, since the rook and b7 -pawn are both pinned, the S.

M ovsesian - B. La lic latter due to mate on b8. After 4 Had he done so, he surely wou ld have noticed that both defences are null ified by pins. With his d5 -pawn defended three times and only attacked once, it probably seemed to Kasparov that he could afford to remove one of the defenders. The first point is that f6-knight Gold i n - Sa pu nov isn ' t really defending the d5 -pawn because it Russian Ch, St PetersburK 1 is pinned against the mate on g7.

However, there is worse to come : Black 's queen isn ' t Here Black has j ust played Thus , despite rook, and Black advanced it to a square where the visual appearance of secure defence, the it i s defe nded three times The reply 35 lt:Jxb6!

The problem i s that the d5 -knight i s Kasparov mistakenly moved away. The game pin ned, while Black's queen cannot move to continued 2 Wiie 8 22 ii.

If Kasparov can fal l victi m to That leaves j ust the bishop t o cope with two thi s sort of oversight, then anybody can! Black could have l i mped on by Another common reason for overlooking a White cannot avoid However, by combining a fork and a pin, loss of material and the game finished : 26 White forced a material gain. He played The only l::t c4 l:ixc4 Black's queen also has the duty of defending the c6-bishop, so 1 7.

Blac k j ustified his play with the remarkable move This attacks White ' s queen, but there i s a deadly second threat: So far we have seen line-opening the How did Black win using a pin and a fork? How did Black force a win here? What should he How did White finish the game at a stroke? How did he turn the tables? White has few pieces developed, but de- spite this he found a lethal blow. How did White gain material? How should h e continue? How did White win material with a small combination?

How did White force his attack home? How did he overcome What was it? What is White 's strongest continuation? Black ' s c6-pawn is under attack. Two moves were enough to secure White a decisive material advantage. How did Black win? Your objective is to find the best move in each position. Good luck! White resigned since he is losing at least a 2 piece. Black replied White fought on but was forced The undefended a4-bishop and the exposed to concede in the end: 26 i.

Elista 1 B l ac k resigned at once since after 3 8. Undefended pieces can be a weakness the board. Black l i mped on a piece down before resigning on move 2 3. Buckley - La ne 8 British Ch.

Black exploited this mistake After 20 l c4 Black's knight is attacking. White's queen winning a piece for nothing. The game ended cannot move so as to defend the bi shop, so he 27 Wh 1 'iVxdS 28 l1d 1 'iVg8 29 'iVxf4 l1xb2 loses a piece for nothing. He can try Jhb7 28 knight fork: Wfl lt:Jxc3. J:tg8 39 f3 We7. London 1 7 Black resigned after the deci sive Zacha rias - H asen ba n k Hamburg 1 1 8 Once again we see that tactics can be very de Firm ian - Koba l iya important in the endgame.

Belgrade After 25 l:txe7! Here Black continued The game 4 A preliminary sacrifice set up a fork along the long diagonal : 48 l:. X by ii.. Black's rook and bishop are attacked, and the rook has no move to keep guarding the bishop. If he plays The fi nish was down. We5 45 b4! In the game, however, Black played pawn fork costs White more material. Firstly, even Anastasian - Stoja novski if you spot a fami liar pattern, the specifics of World Team Ch, Erevan the combination still need to be checked; and After 33 l:l.

Russian Ch, St Petersburg 1 After Black wins material. The 29 f3-rook is attacked and cannot move away Abati no - Skem bris because it is pinned by the e4-bishop. The threat is 2 1. Vxe4 wins the other rook. The only other possibility is because White's kingside pawns are weak. Morad iabadi - Ad ia nto Asian Ch, Calcutta 26 Black is j ust a pawn up, but finished the Sorokin - G iaccio game with the single stroke After 6 1 ifxf2 Yes, after 32 'i!

Black resigned as he loses and he will be left three pawns down. Vxc l! Here White resigned because his..

However White plays, he ends to force the black queen to lose contact with up at least a rook down. Note that if Black the e5-square 30 'i!

Russia Cup, Moscow 1 This is a case of removing the guard see 36 Chapter 7. By destroying the bi shop on d7 , Gunnarsson - Slobod ian White sets up a fork on e6. The game ended European Ch, Ohrid 1 2I. He pl ayed 2 1 f5 23 lt:Jxf There is no 3 7 answer to the threats of 27 c5 and 27 l:Ixd6. Acs - Ovseevich Budapest 1 33 White won a piece with the fork 35 1! He played 3 Wh7 4 1. Stu rua - del Rio Linares open 40 The fork doesn ' t exactly leap to the eye but Cifuentes - Spraggett White spotted it nonetheless : 22 lt:Jxe6!

If Black takes the queen then he 26 lhcl :d8? Wg6 The game continued return for Black's two extra pawns. However, The game fini shed Play continued The game actually ended After pawns proved sufficient for a win. Johan nessen - Akesson Instead of moving his rook, Black tively playing a rook down; a typical line is played 22 d4, attacking both the queen and. The game finished Black resigned as he must lose his. If he replies 1 1.

The exchange 3 1. In fact, Black cannot.. Note that 1 1 'Llb5 is less the stage is set for a discovered attack. The effective, as Black can defend by 1 1. The finish was 35 'Llc Svensk - Svidler Note that the si mple The key idea is that of pin-breaking. The game Russia Cup, St Petersburg 1 continued Russia Cup.

Kazan I 'i. Black is a pawn up with a good position. The conc l usion was 3 The continuation was Frohlich - Motylev White won quickly by 28 l:!. If The game actually the game. This type of discovered attack along concluded However, Anand found a brilliant the following are in-between moves which solution : 2 1 jLg6! Black resigned as White will inevitably win another pawn. Note that the attempt to he has to retreat the knight, but now that the win B l ack ' s queen by Jlxd3 24 i. Russian Team Ch, Smolensk Black resigned because Wxf7 22 at most the b7-pawn.

However, by 29 'i:! VbS i. The knight is attacked three times but only defended twice, and Black is unable to 26 defend it again. New York 1 The game actually concluded White Olympiad, Bled pl ayed Black resigned rather than defended queen on d3, so its defence of the continue White resigned in due course.

Hernandez - M i llan U rrutia British League 4NCL Linares open The b3-rook is pinned horizontally, so i s White's e3-rook is pinned against his king n o t really defending t h e other rook. Nevertheless Black has to and so White must lose either a piece or the take care, because In either.

The correct sol uti on i s Asian Ch, Calcutta 3 6. Croatian Ch. Pula Black played 30 tZ'lxc2! Rather 1 4 surprisingly, the white queen is trapped and Machulsky - Pavlovic heavy material loss is i nevitable.

He believed win. Black couldn ' t resist offering his own However, Black overlooked 29 f4! Leon It was tempting to grab the rook on c8, but this move proved a fatal mistake. Black exploited this by The game ended 2 9. Sta ngl - Leh ner I:'l. Baden 1 'l:IVxb4 31 l:txd4. A rgentine Ch, Buenos Aires 1 Black played 3 1. White added a second pin by 20 rank and so pinned the g3-pawn horizontally.

Black's Then came the deadly blow The immediate threat is to queen. A preliminary sacrifice set White up for a Black therefore resigned. Wxe5 winning the rook is just as play Jlg8 now that the of a possible pin. The continuation was 19 white queen has been drawn onto the g-file, tt::lx c6! White is attacking Black is able to pin it Jhb7 24 queen by Black's principal threat 24 'ill b 1 llxb7 25 cxb7 and Black resigned, is 2 l.

However, White Seul - M iezis played 22 bxa6! Black therefore. The game ended 23 'il! White remains a piece down 3 l. However, Black spotted the error in White's idea and replied This move wins a rook, because The game in fact concluded 30 'iYf4 "VIiix c2 Therefore Black resigned. This is a when White can win a piece by 41 'MVxd7 4 1 further example of a player initiating tactics. He therefore resigned. However, this leaves a7-g l diagonal : After 1 8.

B l ack would and an unusual skewer picks up a rook. The motif i s the same a s in Bui Vinh-Frey on page Whether one it allowed White to win a rook by 37 l:. Black resigned in view of the impending mate by 4 1. White resi gned as it i s mate in two moves. This threatens to promote the pawn, but if Black plays Instead of Thus the deflection 34 l:. He went on to win the game immediate resignation. White played 21 l:. It could be argued that White 36 lad4 1 Howel l ence to the final result as Black had a decisive British Ch, Torquay material superiority.

Black resigned, since after 20 a4 'iVe7 21 'iVc3 lLld3 22 l:tcb1 'iVh4 23 JtxbS 30 l:tab1. Jtc4 rank or plays Therefore Black was able to tory i s White was. The continuation was 49 ii. Black continued Naiditsch - B renke and so the situation is ripe for a deflection Lippstadt 1 We3 axb6 Black's material advantage should be enough to win in the long run. The only real question is which of these two moves is 1 4 effective.

Wh8 M a rkid is - H a l kias is completely wrong since White's queen is Greek Ch, A thens 1 under attack and so his discovered checks are Black's rook must defend against :Sg8 , so ineffective. Black The game ended Black could have won the game by Black is two pawns down, so he tries to grab Black exploited thi s by Pribyl - Konopka Prague 1 9 White 's queen must defend the c2-rook, La h ner - Vesely while the knight on c5 is preventing mate by Ostrava If White plays 3 3 1 Black cannot meet the threat of White 20 chose the only remaining option, 33 tt'lxa6, Motylev - J.

Polga r but after If White's queen were absent then Black would be able to take both bishop and rook 23 with check, so it is worth sacrificing material Va n Wely - Acs to deflect the white queen. After 30 i.. Hoogeveen White resigned, as the queen cannot maintain Black continued 1 8 i..

Note that Then Russian Ch, St Petersburg 1 White's attack would have disappeared, his Black won with the spectacular sacrifice bishop would be awkwardly pinned and he of both his bishops, starting with White has to do more The threat of Jhe3 Zschabitz - Dwora kowska B lack is too Barlinek much material down. This signed since Black cannot maintain his guard on d7 for White therefore resigned. Ubeda also wins B lack trapped White's queen by Pavasovic - Rogulj The finish was After 34 l:.

Black loses at least a piece and so resigned. Black worse for him White played 22 g4, attacking the queen. It has only one safe square to flee to, but after 5 Black resigned at once. European Team Ch, Pula 1 After 41 ctJe3 Black resigned, as his rook 1 0 is captured immediately on every square apart Sa rava nan - Thi psay from d2, but 4 l. The Argentine Ch, Buenos A ires 1 game finished 3 The game tage of rook and pawn for bishop 32 tt:Jxe3 continued Pa ra monov - Ta rasov won White ' s queen for a bishop and a knight.

Petroff memorial, St Petersburg Although White has some counterplay, it is White played 1 2 axb5. If Black replies not sufficient and Black won in due course. In the game Black played M i kha levski - l konnikov Vlissingen 1 White's queen and knight are under threat, but Black's own queen is attacked. White avoided However, the second subtle retreating move However, Black revealed the 1 5 fallacy of this logic by One The rook is a liability.

An active rook on cannot emphasize often enough that great the seventh rank is normally an asset, but as caution must be exercised before sending the always one must take care with pieces that queen off on a lone j ourney into the enemy venture i nto enemy territory. Here White position. The finish was 32 Capablanca memorial, Havana 1 Both pieces are 1 6 rather short of squares, and the possibility of Ye J i a ngchuan - Bacrot.

The only defence to this is loses the rook after 5 1. The wrong way is The right 2 way is The g2-pawn must prevent Sxd6 cxd4 22 Va n Wely - J. Polga r. Sad8 Here Black was. Sxa2 Sd 1 4Jf7 29 d6 lla1 the g3-pawn: Jxb5 Wxd7 38 Wc4 h4 39 gxh4 Black had seen Black won a pawn by a temporary piece enough ; in addition to being well down on sacrifice: Rasmussen would have given Black a decisive attack. Gistrup 1 Black actually pl ayed 2 7. This move threatens mate on g2 or h I , and if White takes the rook he is mated : 3 1.

Jc2 w. M ate can only be del ayed for at most a few moves if White gives away various pieces. The sacrifice opened the d-file ready for the final mate on d 1. Wh8 51 l:!. Kovchan - Moiseenko fxe3. J1Lxe6, which wins two for black pawns on those squares. J1Le4 l:!. JiLfS l:te7 combination all the same Ma rie - Kosi ntseva queen cannot b e taken a s 2 9. White probably hoped to gain material the second blow ; 3 1 'iWg8 is threatened, and with 43 tLlxd6?

Jhd6 Black faces a ruinous material However, Black replied Faced Olympiad, Elista 1 with ending up a rook down, White decided With 30 ii. However, he 8 was rocked back by the reply This bishop is V. Georgiev - Laza rev i mmune from capture There is nothing Black can do apart ideas based on Black's weak back rank play a from The game continued 34 'ii' f 2. White again doubly attacks the poor b lockade is to concentrate all one's firepower f8-rook, and this time there is no.

Black resigned after defend it Modiin Bobras - Lagowski Black won by playing As he was a piece his bishop. Georgiev - Henrichs Recklinghausen 1 1 0 Black should have played Instead he preferred Instead, Black found the far more 1 1 effective continuation Georgiev - Pa ra mos Dom inguez the rook on a ]!

White cannot Skopje prevent promotion, so Black emerges a rook In fact 42 i. The finish was 24 0,a3 a1'iW 25 Ji. Roder - Senoner after 43 i.. The winning move i s 1 7. Here the motivation for the 1 2 knight promotion is that a knight on b1 attacks Short - Stefa nsson White's queen, whereas a queen on bl would Match game 5 , Reykjavik not. However White plays, he ends up down Even if you have a good move avai lable, it on material ; for example, 1 8 0, xd8 0, xd2 1 9 is often worth spending a little time looking 0, xb7 0, xf] leaves Black two exchanges up, for a better one.

White actually f5 Bohm It looks as though Black should resign, since giving his king some air by Amazingly, the position is winning Liechtenstein 1 for Black! Black resigned since White emerges a piece up after 3 l..

Zonal tournament, Yangon 1 After Wxe7 29 lbxd l leaves White a piece up Sol utions to Defensive for nothing.

Although the lines 3 2 ple, Black would lose in the long run. However, Black crucial check, winning the enemy queen in actually continued The lesson here is Wh7 However, after the reply moves by 2 1. Wg8 Solin 1 White 's position looks very poor, since 5 Black's pawn i s on the verge of promotion.

After 8 1 Wb1 or 8 1 Wa2, move pl ayed, White loses a rook and so. Wf2 even Kha rlov - N isipea n u loses, to Wxf3 Ljubljana is also stalemate with stalemate. He could White used the discovered-attack motif to have won by Ernst R. M a in ka - Stefa nova Bad Ragaz 1 Recklinghausen 1 White saved the game with the surprising The game fini shed Wf8 4 l. Wxg7 The winning move is However, after Lj uboj evic-Andersson, Wij k aan Zee 1 Greta rsson - Ashley Bermuda 1 1 2 After If White takes the ation White was able to free his pieces and rook it is stalemate, while The saving move for Black is Black started with If now 53 The answer is no, but Black must take care not to capture w the b6-pawn, si nce then White wou ld be able to force stalemate by giving up his queen.

Vxb1 the game ends in perpetual check. European Junior Ch, Tallinn 1 Clearly there is a stalemate if White can get rid of his queen, but the stalemate only Sol utions to Com binations exists while Black's king is blocking the g4- Exercises pawn. Then That leaves just 8 8. In the game White played 88 Varga - Anastasian 'i! He can World Team Ch, Erevan evade the checks without capturing the g4- White combined a fork with the deflection pawn, and then White is lost: However, after 2l.

Kasparov - Adams Sarajevo 1 5 White continued Ve2 is the only Sarajevo 1 way to avoid loss of the b5 -knight, but then White's b-pawn is pinned, and so Black comes the skewer 32! Both 1 Mitropa Cup, Leipzig A combination of pawn promotion and 1 1 back-rank mate led to victory for Black after Putzbach - M. Kopylov White won by deflection combined with threatening both to take on g8 and to win the line-opening: 14 i.. B lack faces heavy loss of to give up his queen ; 1 4.

Vd4 ci;gS 19 iYeS tt:'lba6 l:! Chigorin memorial, St Petersburg 1 is bad due to Jha8 White won Black's queen and the signed, because Black can try 3 3. Wxg7 Linares open 1 5. White won with an unusual combinati on : 12 CL'lxdS! Vxd5 1 M i khalevski 1 3 CL'lxe7 13 c4! CL'le4 Black tries to escape, but to no Black combi ned a fork with a back-rank avai l 1 4 fxe4 and Black resigned, since after mate : Herrera - Abreu Capablanca memorial, Havana 1 24 White won by opening the l i ne e2-b5 with Hochgrafe - Pelletier gain of tempo : 21 Itxe4!

Relatively best is 29 1 7. Kuzm i n - Czebe. Black struck with Wib6 Fork, pin Black's queen by Black nets a piece. Wxd2 3 1 bxc4 35 Wixh6 1 However, thanks to the pin, Black's queen is trapped JlYxf5 18 exf5.

The main line runs If l:. White declines the bishop by After 3 3. Uxd8 e4 37 'i! The game ended even more quickly liminary moves. White played 17 e5! Black resigned in anticipation of 1 7.

Uxe5 everything is in I. Black is too far behind on material. The bi shop cannot move so as to ing a deflection and a fork : Uxe4 d5 now 34 'i! Ud3 c4 is a deadly fork, so ter Uh3 36 l:Ib7. Since Uc8 39 l:!. The neat finish is based and Black resigned, as mate is forced after on the line 1 3. After 26 'iYb8 tbc6 there is no way will probably be a draw.

The winning move is out. Black promotes the pawn. White 1 9 therefore resigned. H utch inson - S. The game White capitalized on his d-pawn by 36 continued Polga r an in-between move: 8 tDxe5! The game gxf3 l:i. Vxh6 However, and Black has no reasonable check 29 'ii'gS! Jxg3 g6 23 lLlxh5 22 CL.

Jxg4 CL. Now Wells - Rowson In the game Black found a neat draw : However, White was able to keep his pawn With White's pieces so far for White 52 lL! Jhe5 30 CL. Black struggled on a few moves before resigning. Black has sacrificed a piece to reach thi s cannot meet the threat of After 39 l:t. Chigorin memorial, St Petersburg 1 Black's weak back rank stands out as a 3 6 weakness.

White exploited this by 30 'tWb4! Capablanca memorial, Havana After 19 tt::l g3 B l ack's queen is trapped 37 1 9. Now It is surpri sing that Black resigned here change, but also stands to lose most of his as there is one final finesse : EMBED for wordpress. Want more? Advanced embedding details, examples, and help! A chessplayer must continually be alert to tactics, which effectively decide the outcome of all chess games.

Part one of this book introduces you to the various tactical themes such as forks, double attacks, pins, skewers, line opening and clearing, deflections, and destroying the guard, explaining them with practical examples from modern chess play. Part two goes one step further, showing you how to discover combinations and also how to instigate them - guided by the specific features of the position. Tests are then given to enable you to practise your new-found tactical awareness.

A self-instructor that will not only enable you to deliver telling tactical blows but also to side-step threats coming your way. For Club and tournament players. There are no reviews yet.

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