I will show you all three ways; just follow the one that you are most comfortable with. Before you do anything you need to know the Extension ID of the extension you want to download. The above action will open the Extensions page. Find the folder with the extension ID, and copy it to your desktop. In fact, if you open the extension folder on your desktop, you will see your CRX file. Just like in the previous method, you can copy the extension ID from the Extensions page.
If you execute the URL in the Chrome browser, it will not allow you to download the extension. Accept the download prompt to complete the download procedure. You may receive a warning message if you are downloading in Chrome. Do comment below sharing your thoughts and experiences about using the above methods to download the Chrome extensions. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and European users agree to the data transfer policy.
Vamsi is a tech and WordPress geek who enjoys writing how-to guides and messing with his computer and software in general. When not writing for MTE, he writes for he shares tips, tricks, and lifehacks on his own blog Stugon. This tutorial is great! I need to download the extension on linux without a browser in the terminal or a python command. Fed Up with Facebook? Switch to One of these 7 Alternatives. Affiliate Disclosure: Make Tech Easier may earn commission on products purchased through our links, which supports the work we do for our readers.
Is this article useful? Simple Mass Downloader is a pretty good option for Firefox since the classic old extensions no longer work. It also has some useful features like being able to add downloads from multiple tabs at once and add automatic folders to directly download files of certain types into specific folders.
The checkbox at the top will select all files at once while the extensions or text filter boxes at the bottom will filter the list by whatever characters are entered. Files can be added to a queue or downloaded directly with the buttons at the bottom right. Download Simple Mass Downloader. Download DownloadStar. To download files from a folder using something other than browser extensions or download managers, try the methods on Page 2.
I would like to download a number of files that can be found under a http link which is always the same — just the number at the end changes. VWget does work, I am using it right now to download from a folder deep within a hos with no index. You do have to use the right settings, it took a couple of goes, the first 2 times it tried to download most of the domain lol. Not multi threading yet if ever , but still a very good option. Though some dislike its revamped Dropbox desktop app, I appreciate the extra features it puts within reach, such as the ability to quickly create G Suite files.
That said, Box, Google Drive, and Microsoft OneDrive are all great choices for most users, depending upon your needs and budget.
It does not download subdirectories after following your instrusctions. Thank you a LOT. You should check it out. I am trying to download multiple files from a facebook group. I only need the svg files. What is my best option? Remove —no-directories to completely crawl and download everything matching your criteria zip files here starting from the root directory.
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Burhan 6 years ago. Matt 7 years ago. Nhan Nguyen 7 years ago. Leandro 7 years ago. Mitja 8 years ago. JW 8 years ago. Osama 8 years ago.